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Customer panels

The predefined customer panels display products and variants or search phrases based on the parameters and incoming arguments that are sent with a panel query. All predefined customer panels use a visitor id to return personalized results.

For mandatory arguments for all panels including request URL format, see Panel query.

Abandoned carts panel

The result of a query to this panel is a list of products and variants that were added by a visitor to a shopping cart which did not lead to a purchase. The list is ordered with the latest abandonment first. Maximum 10 abandoned cart items are indexed per visitor by Elevate at any given time.

If a product is abandoned, all of its variants is returned in the result. If specific variants of a product are abandoned, only those variants will be returned with the product.

The arguments window_first and window_last must be included in a query to this panel.

Panel arguments

Name Type Description Example
filter An expression limiting the considered product and variant set. Defaults to UNIVERSE if omitted in the query. color:'red' OR color:'blue' AND in_stock:'true'
string A comma-separated list of the attributes from the product data to present. Default presentation attributes are used if omitted in query. title,author
variants_per_product int The maximum number of variants per product to include in the result. No maximum limit. 10
window_first int The first position in the list to be presented. Products before this position, according to the sorting, are not present in the result. The position of the first product in the list is 1.
Required argument.
window_last int The last position in the list to be presented. Products after this position, according to the sorting, are not present in the result. The following bounds apply: window_firstwindow_last ≤ 10.
Required argument.

Example panel content

The following example will use the panel arguments filter=category_ids:'men', window_first=1, and window_last=3 to return abandoned products and variants.

      "abandonedCarts": [
              "name": "abandoned-carts",
              "ticket": "Oy9hYmFuZG9uZWQtY2FydHM7IzsjOyM7IzsjOyM7Izs",
              "path": "/abandoned-carts",
              "description": "Products that the visitor has added to a cart which didn\u2019t lead to any purchase.",
              "displayName": "Abandoned Carts",
              "attributes": {},
              "resultType": "products",
              "products": [
                      "key": "0491290_en-US",
                      "ticket": "Oy9hYmFuZG9uZWQtY2FydHM7Iztwcm9kdWN0X2tleTswNDkxMjkwX2VuLVVTOzA0OTEyOTAwMDFfZW4tVVM7O05PTkU6Tk9ORTs5Ow",
                      "variants": [
                              "key": "0491290001_en-US",
                              "ticket": "Oy9hYmFuZG9uZWQtY2FydHM7Iztwcm9kdWN0X2tleTswNDkxMjkwX2VuLVVTOzA0OTEyOTAwMDFfZW4tVVM7O05PTkU6Tk9ORTs5Ow",
                              "attributes": {}
                      "attributes": {
                          "product_name": [
                              "Sports Shorts"
                      "key": "0251824_en-US",
                      "ticket": "Oy9hYmFuZG9uZWQtY2FydHM7Iztwcm9kdWN0X2tleTswMjUxODI0X2VuLVVTOzAyNTE4MjQwMTBfZW4tVVM7O05PTkU6Tk9ORTs5Ow",
                      "variants": [
                              "key": "0251824010_en-US",
                              "ticket": "Oy9hYmFuZG9uZWQtY2FydHM7Iztwcm9kdWN0X2tleTswMjUxODI0X2VuLVVTOzAyNTE4MjQwMTBfZW4tVVM7O05PTkU6Tk9ORTs5Ow",
                              "attributes": {}
                      "attributes": {
                          "product_name": [
                              "Running Shorts"

Recent searches panel

The result of a query to this panel is a list of the most recent search phrases a visitor has used. The list is ordered with the most recent search phrase first.

The search_attributes in the Recent searches panel must match the search_attributes in the Search hits panel. A recommendation is to always use the same values for search_attributes in all panels involved in search, or to create a specific Recent searches panel per search panel. Maximum 10 recent searches are indexed per visitor by Elevate at any given time.

The arguments window_first and window_last must be included in a query to this panel.

Panel arguments

Name Type Description Example
string A comma-separated list of the product attributes used as search_attributes argument for the corresponding Search hits panel. Rank order will not be based on search if omitted in the query. name,brand
window_first int The first position in the list to be presented. Products before this position, according to the sorting, are not present in the result. The position of the first product in the list is 1.
Required argument.
window_last int The last position in the list to be presented. Products after this position, according to the sorting, are not present in the result. The following bounds apply: window_firstwindow_last ≤ 10.
Required argument.

Example panel content

The following example will use the panel arguments search_attribute=product_name, window_first=1, and window_last=3 to return recent searches.

        "recentSearches": [
                "name": "recent-searches",
                "ticket": "Oy9yZWNlbnQtc2VhcmNoZXM7IzsjOyM7IzsjOyM7Izs",
                "path": "/recent-searches",
                "description": "Searches that the visitor has recently done on the site.",
                "displayName": "Recent Searches",
                "attributes": {},
                "resultType": "phrases",
                "phrases": [
                        "text": "sandals"
                        "text": "bikini"
                        "text": "shorts"

Recently bought panel

The result of a query to this panel is a list of products and variants that a visitor has bought in previous sessions. The list is ordered with the most recently bought product first, where each product contains the variants bought by the visitor. Variants are ordered with the most recently bought variant first. Maximum 10 bought items are indexed per visitor by Elevate at any given time.

A query to this panel will return an empty result if no customer key can be associated with the current session.

The arguments window_first and window_last must be included in a query to this panel.

Panel arguments

Name Type Description Example
filter An expression limiting the considered product and variant set. Defaults to UNIVERSE if omitted in the query. color:'red' OR color:'blue' AND in_stock:'true'
string A comma-separated list of the attributes from the product data to present. Default presentation attributes are used if omitted in query. title,author
variants_per_product int The maximum number of variants per product to include in the result. No maximum limit. 10
window_first int The first position in the list to be presented. Products before this position, according to the sorting, are not present in the result. The position of the first product in the list is 1.
Required argument.
window_last int The last position in the list to be presented. Products after this position, according to the sorting, are not present in the result. The following bounds apply: window_firstwindow_last ≤ 10.
Required argument.

Example panel content

The following example will use the panel arguments filter=category_ids:'ladies', window_first=1, and window_last=3 to return recently bought products and variants.

      "recentlyBought": [
              "name": "recently-bought",
              "ticket": "Oy9yZWNlbnRseS1ib3VnaHQ7IzsjOyM7IzsjOyM7Izs",
              "path": "/recently-bought",
              "description": "Products that the visitor has recently bought on the site.",
              "displayName": "Recently Bought",
              "attributes": {},
              "resultType": "products",
              "products": [
                      "key": "0492245_en-US",
                      "ticket": "Oy9yZWNlbnRseS1ib3VnaHQ7Iztwcm9kdWN0X2tleTswNDkyMjQ1X2VuLVVTOzA0OTIyNDUwMDJfZW4tVVM7O05PTkU6Tk9ORTs5Ow",
                      "variants": [
                              "key": "0492245002_en-US",
                              "ticket": "Oy9yZWNlbnRseS1ib3VnaHQ7Iztwcm9kdWN0X2tleTswNDkyMjQ1X2VuLVVTOzA0OTIyNDUwMDJfZW4tVVM7O05PTkU6Tk9ORTs5Ow",
                              "attributes": {}
                      "attributes": {
                          "product_name": [
                              "Padded Triangle Bikini Top"
                      "key": "0492238_en-US",
                      "ticket": "Oy9yZWNlbnRseS1ib3VnaHQ7Iztwcm9kdWN0X2tleTswNDkyMjM4X2VuLVVTOzA0OTIyMzgwMDFfZW4tVVM7O05PTkU6Tk9ORTs5Ow",
                      "variants": [
                              "key": "0492238001_en-US",
                              "ticket": "Oy9yZWNlbnRseS1ib3VnaHQ7Iztwcm9kdWN0X2tleTswNDkyMjM4X2VuLVVTOzA0OTIyMzgwMDFfZW4tVVM7O05PTkU6Tk9ORTs5Ow",
                              "attributes": {}
                      "attributes": {
                          "product_name": [
                              "Bikini Top"

Recently viewed panel

The result of a query to this panel is a list of products and variants that a visitor has recently viewed. The list is ordered with the most recently viewed product first, where each product contains the variants viewed by the visitor. Variants are ordered with the most recently viewed variant first. Maximum 10 recently viewed items are indexed per visitor by Elevate at any given time.

The arguments window_first and window_last must be included in a query to this panel.

Panel arguments

Name Type Description Example
filter An expression limiting the considered product and variant set. Defaults to UNIVERSE if omitted in the query. color:'red' OR color:'blue' AND in_stock:'true'
string A comma-separated list of the attributes from the product data to present. Default presentation attributes are used if omitted in query. title,author
variants_per_product int The maximum number of variants per product to include in the result. No maximum limit. 10
window_first int The first position in the list to be presented. Products before this position, according to the sorting, are not present in the result. The position of the first product in the list is 1.
Required argument.
window_last int The last position in the list to be presented. Products after this position, according to the sorting, are not present in the result. The following bounds apply: window_firstwindow_last ≤ 10.
Required argument.

Example panel content

The following example will use the panel arguments filter=category_ids:'men', window_first=1, and window_last=3 to return recently viewed products and variants.

      "recentlyViewed": [
              "name": "recently-viewed",
              "ticket": "Oy9yZWNlbnRseS12aWV3ZWQ7IzsjOyM7IzsjOyM7Izs",
              "path": "/recently-viewed",
              "description": "Products that the visitor has recently viewed on the site.",
              "displayName": "Recently Viewed",
              "attributes": {},
              "resultType": "products",
              "products": [
                      "key": "0226964_en-US",
                      "ticket": "Oy9yZWNlbnRseS12aWV3ZWQ7Iztwcm9kdWN0X2tleTswMjI2OTY0X2VuLVVTOzAyMjY5NjQwMTNfZW4tVVM7O05PTkU6Tk9ORTs5Ow",
                      "variants": [
                              "key": "0226964013_en-US",
                              "ticket": "Oy9yZWNlbnRseS12aWV3ZWQ7Iztwcm9kdWN0X2tleTswMjI2OTY0X2VuLVVTOzAyMjY5NjQwMTNfZW4tVVM7O05PTkU6Tk9ORTs5Ow",
                              "attributes": {}
                      "attributes": {
                          "product_name": [
                              "Derby Shoes"
                      "key": "0443571_en-US",
                      "ticket": "Oy9yZWNlbnRseS12aWV3ZWQ7Iztwcm9kdWN0X2tleTswNDQzNTcxX2VuLVVTOzA0NDM1NzEwMDFfZW4tVVM7O05PTkU6Tk9ORTs5Ow",
                      "variants": [
                              "key": "0443571001_en-US",
                              "ticket": "Oy9yZWNlbnRseS12aWV3ZWQ7Iztwcm9kdWN0X2tleTswNDQzNTcxX2VuLVVTOzA0NDM1NzEwMDFfZW4tVVM7O05PTkU6Tk9ORTs5Ow",
                              "attributes": {}
                      "attributes": {
                          "product_name": [
                              "Short-sleeved Shirt Slim fit"
                      "key": "0484262_en-US",
                      "ticket": "Oy9yZWNlbnRseS12aWV3ZWQ7Iztwcm9kdWN0X2tleTswNDg0MjYyX2VuLVVTOzA0ODQyNjIwMDFfZW4tVVM7O05PTkU6Tk9ORTs5Ow",
                      "variants": [
                              "key": "0484262001_en-US",
                              "ticket": "Oy9yZWNlbnRseS12aWV3ZWQ7Iztwcm9kdWN0X2tleTswNDg0MjYyX2VuLVVTOzA0ODQyNjIwMDFfZW4tVVM7O05PTkU6Tk9ORTs5Ow",
                              "attributes": {}
                      "attributes": {
                          "product_name": [
                              "Knee-length Corduroy Shorts"

This online publication is intellectual property of Voyado Lund AB. Its contents can be duplicated in part or whole, provided that a copyright label is visibly located on each copy and the copy is used in conjunction with the product described within this document.

All information found in these documents has been compiled with utmost attention to detail. However, this does not guarantee complete accuracy. Neither Voyado Lund AB nor the authors shall be held liable for possible errors or the consequences thereof.

Software and hardware descriptions cited in these documents might be registered trademarks. All trade names are subject to copyright restrictions and may be registered trademarks. Voyado Lund AB essentially adheres to the manufacturer’s spelling. Names of products and trademarks appearing in this document, with or without specific notation, are likewise subject to trademark and trade protection laws and may thus fall under copyright restrictions.