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By downloading software from this page, you must agree to the Voyado Lund End User License Agreement below.



Latest version: eSales .NET Connector 4.5.0

Release date: 2021-10-21

Documentation: Apptus Connector Docs for .NET

Release notes
Type Description
v4.5.0 Release date: 2021-10-21
Addition A force parameter for product imports, for forcing through imports that would otherwise be rejected by Elevate for being dangerous.
v4.4.1 Release date: 2021-08-09
Removal Unused parameter key in payment notifications.
v4.4.0 Release date: 2021-05-26
Change Documentation is now generated with an updated style.
v4.3.0 Release date: 2021-02-25
Change Cluster configuration can now be refreshed by using a separate thread like the connector already did with health checks, by using System.Threading.ThreadPool. If the connector is configured not to use asyncHealthCheck, only one request will be blocked when refreshing cluster configuration, if the current configuration is not too old. Previously all requests were blocked when cluster configuration needed to be refreshed.

Note that if the current configuration is too old, all requests will be blocked while waiting for the new refreshed configuration, even if asyncHealthCheck is set.
v4.2.1 Release date: 2020-12-10
Addition Local attributes to dynamic pages. Note that for On Premise clusters, v3.60.0+ of Elevate Server is required.
v4.1.0 Release date: 2020-11-02
Addition Cloud only Time out information and retry number to Elevate Server requests.
Addition Cloud only Connector settings (e.g. request time outs and compression mode) to Elevate Cluster Lookup requests and make it possible for Elevate Cluster Lookup to override them if necessary. Overriding Connector settings will give us the possibility to take actions to help customers encountering performance issues due to their settings.
Change Improved retry strategy in load balancer. At each retry the request time out is automatically increased by a percentage to make it more likely for the request to be completed in time.
v4.0.0 Release date: 2020-01-09
Change Removed .NET Connector from Elevate bundle and added this changelog.
Deprecation PanelConversionReport is deprecated for CloudConnector, please use the Reports in Elevate Apps instead.


Latest version: eSales Java Connector 4.4.0

Release date: 2021-10-21

Documentation: Apptus Connector Docs for Java

All public classes in the Java Connector reside within the com.apptus.esales.connector package.

Release notes
Type Description
v4.4.0 Release date: 2021-10-21
Addition A force parameter for product imports, for forcing through imports that would otherwise be rejected by Elevate for being dangerous.
Change Deprecated some old internal classes
v4.3.1 Release date: 2021-04-09
Fix Failed to parse Content-Length for HTTP responses with size above 2 GB.
v4.3.0 Release date: 2021-02-25
Change Cluster configuration can now be refreshed on a separate thread, by using the same ExecutorService used for health checks. If the connector is configured to always use synchronous requests, only one request will be blocked when refreshing cluster configuration. Previously all requests were blocked when cluster configuration needed to be refreshed.

Note that if the current configuration is too old, e.g. the connector hasn't been used for a while, all requests will be blocked while waiting for the new refreshed configuration, even when asynchronous requests are allowed.
v4.2.0 Release date: 2020-11-25
Addition Local attributes to dynamic pages. Note that for On Premise clusters, v3.60.0+ of Elevate Server is required.
v4.1.0 Release date: 2020-11-02
Addition Cloud only Time-out information and retry number to Elevate Server requests.
Addition Cloud only Connector settings (e.g. request time-outs and compression mode) to Elevate Cluster Lookup requests and make it possible for Elevate Cluster Lookup to override them if necessary. Overriding Connector settings will give us the possibility to take actions to help customers encountering performance issues due to their settings.
Change Improved retry strategy in load balancer. At each retry the request time-out is automatically increased by a percentage to make it more likely for the request to be completed in time.
Fix Documentation had wrong default compression_mode for OnPremConnector.
v4.0.1 Release date: 2020-01-14
Change Code quality fixes.
v4.0.0 Release date: 2020-01-09
Change Removed Java Connector from Elevate bundle and added this changelog.
Deprecation PanelConversionReport is deprecated for CloudConnector, please use the Reports in Elevate Apps instead.

Java 7 compatible connector

Last connector version with support for Java 7: eSales Java Connector 3.44.1

Release date: 2019-03-15


Latest version: Download

Release date: 2021-03-05

Cloud command

Latest version: Download

Release date: 2021-10-21

On-premise bundle

Starting from Elevate v3.52.0 the Connector libraries have been removed from the Elevate bundle. See above for separate downloads.

The On-premise bundles are available for download from the Voyado FTP, contact Voyado Support for more information. For release notes, see the Full changelog for more information.

Bundle Size Release date Version status
Elevate v3.65.0 246 MB Latest version
Elevate v3.60.1 245 MB 2020-12-09 Last release with full support for Java 8.
Elevate v3.53.0 232 MB 2020-04-08 Last release that supports the old synonym disk format. To upgrade to a later version you must first upgrade to this one.

Voyado End User License Agreement

This End-User License Agreement (”EULA” or “Agreement”) is a legal agreement between you, the Customer (as defined herein) and Voyado governing the terms of use for the Software and/or the Documentation, (as defined herein) accessing the Saas environment, (as defined herein) for any purpose, and/or otherwise utilizing the IPR described in this Agreement (as defined herein), which includes associated media in the aforementioned categories and services.

You agree to be bound by the terms of this EULA and become a Party hereto by installing, copying and/or using the IPR (as defined herein).


1.1 Wherever used in this Agreement the following terms shall have the meanings set forth below:

“Agreement” means this agreement with the terms and conditions set forth herein as well as any written agreements so agreed by the Parties to be part hereof and incorporated herein.

“Voyado” means Voyado Lund AB (reg. no. 556588-5240), with its principal place of business at Mobilvägen 4, 223 62 Lund, Sweden, and/or their subsidiaries or entities owned or controlled by Voyado Lund.

“Confidential Information” means any information disclosed by one Party to the other Party in connection with this Agreement which is disclosed in writing, verbally or by inspection or in the form of samples, models, computer programs or otherwise. For the avoidance of doubt, any information, in whatever form, disclosed by Voyado to the Customer that relates to the Software or IPR and that is not publicly known will fall under the definition of “Confidential Information” and as otherwise set forth in Section 7.

“Customer” means any natural person, legal entity, or someone acting on their behalf which, by downloading and/or acquiring the Software and/or the Documentation, accessing the Saas environment, for any purpose, and/or utilizes the IPR described in this Agreement, agrees to be bound by this Agreement and the terms and conditions contained herein, and become a Party hereto whether such access is granted via an authorized reseller of Voyado or otherwise.

“Documentation” means the then-current documentation published and made generally available by Voyado for the Software in the form of manuals and function descriptions in printed or electronic form, as the same may be modified by Voyado from time to time.

“IPR” means any intellectual property rights in (a) all classes or types of patents, including, without limitation, utility models and utility patents, provided that these have been granted and publicly announced; (b) all copyrights and all registrations and applications therefore; © all mask work rights and all registrations therefore; (d) all trademarks and trade names, whether registered or not, and (e) all inventions, know-how, trade secrets, and confidential, technical and non-technical information.

“Party” or “Parties” means Voyado and/or the Customer, as the case may be.

“Saas” is a technique for providing the Software to the Customer without requiring the Customer to run the Software in his own environment.

“Site” means the website(s) / channels agreed upon in writing between the Customer and Voyado or the authorized reseller, as the case may be.

“Software” means all software products and solutions owned, developed or provided by Voyado to the Customer as well as any modification thereof whether developed by Voyado, the Customer, or a third party acting on their behalf.

1.2 The headings of the Sections in this Agreement are for convenience only and shall not affect the interpretation of this Agreement.


2.1 License Grant

2.1.1 Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement and the payment of all applicable fees, Voyado grants the Customer, a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable license: (i) to use the Software solely for its own Site in a manner consistent with the use limitations specified or referenced in this Agreement and the Documentation, or as otherwise specifically agreed upon in writing between the Parties; and (ii) to use the Documentation solely for supporting the Customer’s authorized use of the Software.

2.2 Restrictions on the use of the Software

2.2.1 The Customer shall not (i) use, copy, maintain, distribute, sell, sub-license, lease, rent, network, transfer, make corrections to or modify, revise, improve, upgrade, enhance or create derivative works of the Software except as specifically provided for in this Agreement; (ii) reverse assemble, reverse compile, reverse engineer or otherwise translate the Software; or (iii) use or sub-license the Software for the benefit of a third party or in a service bureau, commercial time-sharing, rental, software as a service or outsourcing context except where previously agreed in writing by Voyado. If a serial number, password, license key or other security device is provided to the customer for use with the Software, the Customer may not, and will not permit its authorized users to, share or transfer such security device with or to any other user of the Software or any other third party.


3.1 Voyado warrants that: (i) it has full power and/or authority to enter this Agreement; (ii) it will carry out its obligations under this Agreement with suitable care and skill; and (iii) that the Software will substantially conform to its Documentation in all material aspects.

3.2 Voyado does not warrant that: (i) the Software will meet the Customer requirements; (ii) the Software will operate in combination with other hardware or software, except as expressly specified in the Documentation or approved by Voyado; or (iii) operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free.



4.1 Ownership

4.1.1 The Customer hereby recognises that Voyado is and shall remain the exclusive owner of the entire right, title and interest in and to any and all IPR and any patent applications relating to the Software and the Documentation and all copies thereof. It is understood that the Customer shall not acquire and shall not claim any right, title or interest in or to any such IPR and patent applications or goodwill pertaining thereto by virtue of its activities hereunder or by any other reason. The Customer further acknowledges that the Software contains Confidential Information that is proprietary to Voyado.

4.1.2 All IPR in and to any authorized or unauthorized modifications to any part of the Software shall be the sole property of Voyado. In the event that the Customer makes suggestions to Voyado regarding new features, functionality or performance that Voyado adopts for the Software, such new features, functionality or performance shall be deemed to be automatically assigned under this Agreement to, and shall become the sole and exclusive property of Voyado.

4.1.3 If the Customer should challenge Voyado's ownership to or the validity of any IPR or patent applications relating to the Software in a lawsuit or other judicial action, then Voyado shall have the right, upon giving written notice to the Customer, to terminate this Agreement with immediate effect.

4.2 Copyright and Trademark Issues

4.2.1 The Customer shall not remove or obscure any copyright notices or proprietary legends contained within the Software and shall be responsible for the conservation of the same on all copies of the Software made under this Agreement.

4.3 Infringements of third-party IPRs

4.3.1 Subject to the limitations in Clauses 4.3.3, 4.3.4 and 5.2, Voyado shall, at its own expense, defend the Customer in a lawsuit or other judicial action, and pay the amount of any adverse final judgement (or settlement to which Voyado has consented) from such lawsuit, judicial action or similar proceeding, for any third party claim(s) that the Software infringes a third party IPR, provided that the Customer (i) gives Voyado prompt written notice of such claims, (ii) permits Voyado to assume and have sole control over the defence or settlement of the claims, and (iii) provides Voyado with such assistance, documents, authority and information as it may reasonably require in relation to any such claim and defence or settlement thereof.

4.3.2 If the Software becomes, or in Voyado's opinion is likely to become, the subject of an infringement or misappropriation claim that may disrupt the Customer’s use of the Software, Voyado may, at its own expense and option, elect to either: (a) procure the right Software for the Customer to continue using the Software in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement; (b) make such alterations, modifications or adjustments to the Software so that the infringing Software becomes non-infringing without incurring a material diminution in performance or function; © replace the Software with a non-infringing substantially similar substitute; or (d) terminate the license for the affected Software and refund to the Customer the fees paid by the Customer for the Software for the period of twelve (12) months preceding the claim.

4.3.3 Voyado will have no obligation to defend or pay the amount of any adverse final judgement (or settlement to which Voyado has consented) if a claim of infringement (i) is asserted by an affiliate of the Customer, (ii) arises out of any unauthorized use, reproduction, or distribution of the Software or Documentation by the Customer; (iii) arises out of any modification or alteration of the Software or Documentation by anyone other than Voyado without the written approval of Voyado; (iv) arises out of the use of the Software in combination with any other software or equipment not supplied or approved in writing by Voyado; or (v) would have been avoided by use of the then-current Release of the Software.

4.3.4 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary set forth in this Agreement, Voyado's liability under this Agreement for infringements shall, in no event exceed the amount of fees paid by the Customer under this Agreement for the last twelve (12) months prior to the infringements and, if such damages relate to particular Software or related services, such liability shall be limited to the fees paid for such Software or services for the last twelve (12) months prior to the infringements..



5.1 Except for: (i) its obligations with respect to any infringements of IPR as provided in Section 4.3 (Infringements of IPR); (ii) damages caused by intentional or grossly negligent acts; or (iii) death or personal injury caused by its negligence, Voyado's aggregate and cumulative liability for damages (regardless of the form of action, whether in contract, tort or otherwise) shall in no event exceed the amount of fees paid by the Customer under this Agreement for the last six (6) months prior to the damage and, if such damages relate to particular Software or related services, such liability shall be limited to the fees paid for such Software or services for the last six (6) months prior to the damage.

5.2 Voyado shall in no event be liable to the Customer under this Agreement for any special, indirect, incidental or consequential damages under any legal theory, including without limitation cover damages, loss of data, use and/or profits, whether on account of defects, performances, non-performances, delays, property damages or otherwise, howsoever arising, even if the other party has been advised of the possibility of such damage. Voyado shall in no event be liable to the Customer under this Agreement for the Customer’s costs for attorney’s fees.


6.1 During the term of this Agreement, each Party grants the other Party the right to: (i) use the other Party’s logo and name to identify the Party as being a customer or Voyado, as the case may be, of the other Party, on its web Site, in marketing materials and in other publicity material; and (ii) issue a press release announcing the Parties relationship.


7.1 The Customer acknowledges that IPR and Software is the valuable property of Voyado and as such must be treated as confidential as described under this Section 7. The Customer further agrees that Confidential Information is made available for the use solely under and in accordance with this Agreement. The Customer has no right at any time during or after expiry or termination of this Agreement to disclose Confidential Information, whether directly or indirectly, to any third party without Voyado's prior written consent.

7.2 The Customer shall not use Confidential Information to develop or market any software or products which are similar in its function to the IPR or Software. The Customer shall also hold harmless, defend and indemnify Voyado from and against any and all losses, costs, damages and expenses arising out of or in connection with the Customer’s failure to comply with requirements of this Section 7. The Customer’s confidentiality obligations hereunder shall survive cancellation or termination, for any reason, of this Agreement.

7.3 Voyado and the Customer undertake to at all times, during the term of this Agreement and thereafter, to hold in confidence, to use only for the purposes of performing its work under this Agreement and not to print, publicize or otherwise disclose Confidential Information relating to the other Party to any third party. Each Party shall safeguard the Confidential Information of the other Party with the same degree of care as it uses for its own Confidential Information of equivalent importance, but in no event less than a reasonable degree of care.

7.4 The obligations contained in Clause 7.3 above shall, however, not apply to Confidential Information, apart from Software or IPR which shall be excluded from disclosure other than as allowable under Clause 7.5, that the receiving Party can show:

(i) is known to the receiving Party, under no obligation of confidence, at the time of disclosure by the other Party;

(ii) is or becomes publicly known through no wrongful or negligent act of the receiving Party;

(iii) is lawfully obtained by the receiving Party from a third party who in making such disclosure breaches no obligation of confidence to the other Party;

(iv) is independently developed by the receiving Party, as evidenced by the receiving Party’s records; or

(v) is disclosed by the disclosing Party to a third party under no obligation of confidence.

7.5 Notwithstanding Clause 7.3 above, the receiving Party shall not be prevented to disclose Confidential Information received from the disclosing Party if (i) such disclosure is in response to a valid order of a court or any other governmental body having jurisdiction over this Agreement, or (ii) such disclosure is otherwise required by law or mandatory stock market regulations, provided that the receiving Party first has given prior written notice to the disclosing Party and made reasonable effort to protect the Confidential Information in connection with such disclosure.

7.6 However, nothing in this Agreement shall prevent the receiving Party from using ‑ in its own business activities ‑ general know-how acquired, general principles learned and general experience gained during any work performed under or in connection with this Agreement, provided that such use does not constitute a breach by the receiving Party of its undertakings of confidentiality as set out in this Agreement. Furthermore, the obligations contained in Clause 7.3 above shall not prevent the receiving Party from exercising any rights granted under Section 6 above.


8.1 This Agreement shall commence on the date the Customer installs, copies and/or uses the IPR and/or Software. The license granted hereby, and all rights associated therewith, shall terminate immediately if the Customer fails to comply with any term(s) of this EULA or as otherwise agreed between the Customer, Voyado or an Voyado authorized reseller. If the IPR and/or Software is used for evaluation purposes this Agreement automatically terminates forty-five (45) days after its commencement date. Upon termination the Customer shall cease all use of the IPR and destroy all copies, full or partial, of the Software and/or Documentation.

8.2 Without prejudice to any other remedy either Party may have against the other Party for breach or non-performance of this Agreement, either Party shall have the right to terminate this Agreement with immediate effect upon written notice to the other Party:

(i) in the event of insolvency of the other Party or the institution of any liquidation, bankruptcy, dissolution, composition with creditors, receivership, trustee or similar proceedings in respect of either Party or if a significant portion of the assets of either Party, necessary for the performance of this Agreement, becomes subject to attachment, seizure, expropriation or the like; or

(ii) if the other Party is in material default of any of its obligations under this Agreement (including without limitation Sections 2.2 (Restrictions on use of the Software), and 7 (Secrecy and Non-Use)) and should fail to cure such default (where curable) within fourteen (14) days after receipt of notice in writing from the complaining Party.

8.3 Any expiry or termination of this Agreement for whatsoever reason shall not prejudice the provisions which by their nature must be deemed to survive such expiry or termination, including but not limited to the provisions of Sections 1 (Definitions), 3 (Limited Warranty), 4.1 (Ownership), 5 (Limitation of Liability), 7 (Secrecy and Non-Use), 8 (Term and Termination), 9 (Miscellaneous) and 10 (Governing Law and Dispute Resolution), including any terms and conditions of any Appendices referred to therein, which will survive such expiry or termination.

8.4 Upon expiry or termination of this Agreement, all license rights granted to the Customer herein shall immediately terminate. Furthermore, in case of expiry or termination of this Agreement, the Customer shall within seven (7) days after expiry or termination return or destroy all versions of the Software and Documentation on any media and in any form in the Customer’s possession and shall immediately thereafter confirm in writing to Voyado that this obligation has been fulfilled.


9.1 In case of any conflict between the terms of this Agreement and the terms of any separate written agreement between the Parties, the terms of this Agreement shall prevail provided that the Parties shall seek to fully incorporate terms separately agreed upon in writing to the fullest extent, when applicable, and any such written agreement shall be deemed to be incorporated herein and become a part hereof.

9.2 Neither Party shall be held liable or deemed in default under this Agreement for any failure of or delay in performance of its obligations to the extent that and for so long as such performance is prevented or delayed by causes beyond its control, such as fire, flood, earthquake, war, embargoes, blockades, strikes, riots, governmental interference and defects or delays in deliveries by Voyado or subcontractors if caused by any circumstance referred to in this Clause 9.2. The Party whose performance is so prevented or delayed shall promptly inform the other Party of the occurrence of any such event and such Party shall use all reasonable efforts to avoid the effect of such event and to mitigate damages to the extent possible. Upon termination of such event, the prevented Party shall forthwith resume its obligations under this Agreement.

9.3 This Agreement, and any agreement incorporated herein via mutual written consent among the Parties, constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties hereto with respect to its subject matter and annuls and replaces any and all other previous oral and written agreements, understandings and communications which may have existed between the Parties with respect to such subject matter. No modification, amendment, alteration or waiver of any provision hereof will be valid or binding unless made in writing and either signed or accepted electronically by the Party against whom the modification, amendment, alteration or waiver is to be asserted.

9.4 Any waivers hereunder shall be in writing and the failure of any Party at any time to require the other Party’s performance of any obligations under this Agreement shall not affect the right subsequently to require performance of the obligation. Any waiver of any breach of any provision of this Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver of any continuing or succeeding breach of such provision or a waiver or modification of the provision.

9.5 Unless otherwise stated in this Agreement, the Customer shall, in order not to forfeit its right to assert a claim, submit its demand for compensation not later than three (3) months after the Customer became aware, or reasonably should have become aware, of the claim, however no later than twelve (12) months after the expiry or termination of the Agreement.

9.6 This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Parties and their respective successors but shall not be assignable by any of the Parties without the prior written consent of the other Party. This notwithstanding, Voyado shall be entitled to assign this Agreement to an affiliate of Voyado and shall be entitled to assign the right to payment under the Agreement to a third party.

9.7 All notices, requests, demands, approvals, waivers and other communications required or permitted under this Agreement must be in writing in the English language and shall be addressed to: Voyado Lund AB, Trollebergsvägen 5, SE-222 29 LUND, Sweden, or to such other addresses as may be given by written notice in accordance with this clause.

9.8 If due to a change in any applicable law or due to a decision or other act (including failure to act) by any competent authority one or more of the provisions of this Agreement shall be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect or an amendment of one or more of the provisions of this Agreement is required, the remainder of this Agreement shall be valid and binding and the Parties agree that they shall replace or amend such provision or provisions with a valid, legal and enforceable arrangement which in its economic and other effects shall be as close as possible to the contractual situation existing prior to such a change, decision or act.

9.9 Each Party warrants to the other Party that the performance of this Agreement is neither in violation of any other agreement to which it is a Party or by which it is bound nor of any applicable legislation or other rules in the jurisdiction of that Party.


10.1 This Agreement and any documents issued hereunder shall be governed and interpreted, and all rights and obligations of the Parties shall be determined, in accordance with Swedish law, without regard to any conflict of laws rules which would lead to the application of the laws of any other jurisdiction.

10.2 Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or in connection with this Agreement, or the breach, termination, existence or invalidity thereof, shall be finally settled by arbitration in accordance with the Rules of the Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce. The arbitrary tribunal shall be composed of three (3) arbitrators, and the place of arbitration shall be Lund, Sweden. The language to be used in the arbitrary proceedings shall be English. Any arbitration award shall be final and binding and may, if necessary, be enforced by any court or authority having jurisdiction.

10.3 The Parties undertake and agree that all arbitrary proceedings conducted under this Section 10 shall be kept strictly confidential, and all information, documentation, materials in whatever form disclosed in the course of such arbitrary proceedings shall be used solely for the purpose of the proceedings. Information covered by this confidentiality undertaking may not, in any form, be disclosed to a third party without the written consent of the other Party. This notwithstanding, a Party shall not be prevented from disclosing such information in order to safeguard in the best possible way his rights vis-à-vis the other Party in connection with the dispute, or if the Party is obliged to so disclose pursuant to statute, regulation, a decision by an authority, a stock exchange contract or similar.

10.4 Notwithstanding the foregoing, Voyado may take any legal action necessary at any competent court for collection of any payment due to Voyado hereunder. The Parties hereto do hereby submit to the jurisdiction of such court for such purpose.

The Parties agree that any breach of the restrictions on the use of the Software contained in Section 2.2 or of the confidentiality obligations contained in Section 7 may result in irreparable harm to the non-breaching Party, for which damages would be an inadequate remedy and, therefore, in addition to its rights and remedies otherwise available at law, the non-breaching Party shall be entitled to seek equitable relief, including injunction, in the event of such breach.


This online publication is intellectual property of Voyado Lund AB. Its contents can be duplicated in part or whole, provided that a copyright label is visibly located on each copy and the copy is used in conjunction with the product described within this document.

All information found in these documents has been compiled with utmost attention to detail. However, this does not guarantee complete accuracy. Neither Voyado Lund AB nor the authors shall be held liable for possible errors or the consequences thereof.

Software and hardware descriptions cited in these documents might be registered trademarks. All trade names are subject to copyright restrictions and may be registered trademarks. Voyado Lund AB essentially adheres to the manufacturer’s spelling. Names of products and trademarks appearing in this document, with or without specific notation, are likewise subject to trademark and trade protection laws and may thus fall under copyright restrictions.