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Multiple markets

A market can be view as a data containment area that separates behavior data from different sites. The different functions of the Voyado Elevate apps are divided, used, and managed by market. The market definition is at the core of Elevate 3 Enterprise functionality and is highly linked to the business needs of the retailer.

Defining a market

A market can be considered as a group of visitors the can benefit from the behavioral data from other each other. The most common market definition is a geographical location, such as a country. It can also be a visitor segmentation based on their business need, such as carpenters and plumbers, that use the same retailer but with different expectations on product relevance.

To ensure quality in behavioral data, a decent amount of visitor interactions must be present on each market.

Multiple markets and products

There are three approaches when considering how to model products in regard to the market definitions.

  1. A product is unique per market and the market has one locale. This is the Elevate standard.
  2. A product is unique per market and the market has several locales. This requires localized attributes.
  3. A product is not unique per market and is used on several markets. This is recommended to be used when segmenting a market based on visitor business needs.

The most common approach is to use one product per market and locale, even for retailers with more than one market.

Import products and variants

Products and variants all have their unique identifying keys. Using markets requires the keys to also be unique even though the actual product item is the same.

A common approach is to append both the product and variant keys with the market identifier. For example a product key used in a market with one locale, <product_key>1234567-1</product_key>, can in a multi-market site be <product_key>1234567-1_fr_ca</product_key> and <product_key>1234567-1_en_ca</product_key>.

It is recommended to include a product attribute defining what markets the products are available in. This is to ensure functionality such as boost and bury in Elevate.


Fashion/apparel/lifestyle product example
    <title>Free Run 2</title>
    <title>Free Run 2</title>
    <title>Free Run 2</title>

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