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The following notification types are supported in the Elevate 3 Enterprise Web API and can easily be sent with the JavaScript library. The examples have instantiated the api object as a variable:

var api = window.esalesAPI({ market: '{market}', clusterId:'{cluster-id}' });

See also the Notification set-up recommendations and Working with notifications.

Click notification

The click notification is sent with a ticket when the visitor clicks on a product, an ad or in some special cases on a category."{ticket}");

Non-eSales click notification

The non-eSales click notification is sent when a visitor has clicked a product that is not returned by Elevate (i.e. not having a ticket). Instead of a ticket, a product key (and if applicable, a variant key) is sent.

// send with productKey
api.notify.nonEsalesClick({ productKey: '{product_key_1}' });
// send with variantKey
api.notify.nonEsalesClick({ variantKey: '{variant_key_1}'});
// send with both variantKey and productKey
api.notify.nonEsalesClick({ productKey: '{product_key_2}', variantKey: '{variant_key_1}' });

Adding-to-cart notification

The adding-to-cart notification is sent with a ticket when a visitor adds an Elevate product to their cart.


Non-eSales adding-to-cart notification

The non-eSales adding-to-cart notification is sent when a visitor adds a product not returned by Elevate (i.e. not having a ticket) to their cart. Instead of a ticket, a product key (and if applicable, a variant key) is sent.

// send with productKey
api.notify.nonEsalesAddToCart({ productKey: '{product_key_1}'});
// send with variantKey
api.notify.nonEsalesAddToCart({ variantKey: '{variant_key_1}'});
// send with both variantKey and productKey
api.notify.nonEsalesAddToCart({ productKey: '{product_key_2}', variantKey: '{variant_key_1}' });

Add favorite notification

The add favorite notification is to be sent when a visitor have marked a product or a variant as a favorite.

// send with both productKey and variantKey and adds as favorite
api.notify.addFavorite({ productKey: '{product_key_1}', variantKey: '{variant_key_1}' });

// sends with variantKey and adds as favorite
api.notify.addFavorite({ variantKey: '{variant_key_1}' });

// sends with productKey and adds as favorite
api.notify.addFavorite({ productKey: '{product_key_2}' });

Remove favorite notification

The remove favorite notification is to be sent when a visitor have unmarked a product or a variant as a favorite.

// send with both productKey and variantKey and removes as favorite
api.notify.removeFavorite({ productKey: '{product_key_1}', variantKey: '{variant_key_1}' });

// sends with variantKey and removes as favorite
api.notify.removeFavorite({ variantKey: '{variant_key_1}' });

// sends with productKey and removes as favorite
api.notify.removeFavorite({ productKey: '{product_key_2}' });

Payment notification

Multiple payment notification methods

All payment notifications are recommended to be made as server side operations by using Secure payment notification.

Client side payments must be enabled

Client side payments are disabled by default. Contact Voyado Support if there is a need to make payment notifications as client side operations.

The payment notification is sent when the visitor has placed an order and completed payment.

var payment = api.notify.payment();

    productKey: '{product_key_1}',
    quantity: 2,
    unitSellingPrice: 99.90

    quantity: 1,
    unitSellingPrice: 150.00

    quantity: 5,
    unitSellingPrice: 165


End session notification

The end session notification is to be sent when the visitor session ends according to the level of personalisation. Visitors may experience strange or irrelevant recommendations if the session-handling is not supporting the selected level of personalisation.


This online publication is intellectual property of Voyado Lund AB. Its contents can be duplicated in part or whole, provided that a copyright label is visibly located on each copy and the copy is used in conjunction with the product described within this document.

All information found in these documents has been compiled with utmost attention to detail. However, this does not guarantee complete accuracy. Neither Voyado Lund AB nor the authors shall be held liable for possible errors or the consequences thereof.

Software and hardware descriptions cited in these documents might be registered trademarks. All trade names are subject to copyright restrictions and may be registered trademarks. Voyado Lund AB essentially adheres to the manufacturer’s spelling. Names of products and trademarks appearing in this document, with or without specific notation, are likewise subject to trademark and trade protection laws and may thus fall under copyright restrictions.