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Dynamic pages

The JavaScript library also support dynamic pages. The following code snippet shows how a dynamic page named books-and-movies containing two sub-panels and based on the predefined public panel /top-sellers is instantiated and used.

esalesObj.dynamicPage("books-and-movies", "1740c017b6d980df4f9348727384d088c7e1ad3fe7e022c81a1fc8a16333bcaf")
    .subpanel("top-selling-books", "8fe60e383b26844e496cdac0c1ad526060116090e95797e7bbac4f45ed1cf409", "/top-sellers", { "filter": "category:'book'" })
    .subpanel("top-selling-movies", "31a93b91446c88f442a1ee25dd0a44293f874d767f154599612aa57c052debdf", "/top-sellers", { "filter": "category:'movie'" })
    .fetch({ "window_first": "1", "window_last": "3" })    // "arg." is automatically prepended to dynamic page arguments when JavaScript is used.
    .error(function(msg) {
        console.log("ERROR: " + msg);
    .success(function(data) {

The response to this dynamic page request could look like this:

        "name": "top-selling-books",
        "ticket": "Oy9keW5hbWljLXBhZ2VzL2Jvb2tzLWFuZC1tb3ZpZXMvdG9wLXNlbGxpbmctYm9va3M7IzsjOyM7IzsjOyM7Izs",
        "path": "/dynamic-pages/books-and-movies/top-selling-books",
        "displayName": "Top Sellers",
        "description": "Lists the most sold products right now.",
        "attributes": {

        "resultType": "products",
        "products": [{
            "key": "P1",
            "ticket": "Oy9keW5hbWljLXBhZ2VzL2Jvb2tzLWFuZC1tb3ZpZXMvdG9wLXNlbGxpbmctYm9va3M7Iztwcm9kdWN0X2tleTtQMTAxMzc1MjY7IztPQkpFQ1RJVkUkO05PTkU6Tk9ORTs3Nzs",
            "variants": [],
            "attributes": {
                "product_key": "P1",
                "rank": "1",
                "relevance": "1.0",
                "title": "The Getaway - Diary of a Wimpy Kid ",
                authors: "Jeff Kinney"
            "key": "P2",
            "ticket": "Oy9keW5hbWljLXBhZ2VzL2Jvb2tzLWFuZC1tb3ZpZXMvdG9wLXNlbGxpbmctYm9va3M7Iztwcm9kdWN0X2tleTtQMTA2OTE3MzM7IztPQkpFQ1RJVkUkO05PTkU6Tk9ORTs3Nzs",
            "variants": [],
            "attributes": {
                "product_key": "P2",
                "rank": "2",
                "relevance": "0.5",
                "title": "Wonder",
                authors: "R. J. Palacio"
            "key": "P3",
            "ticket": "Oy9keW5hbWljLXBhZ2VzL2Jvb2tzLWFuZC1tb3ZpZXMvdG9wLXNlbGxpbmctYm9va3M7Iztwcm9kdWN0X2tleTtQMTA4MTM1Nzc7IztPQkpFQ1RJVkUkO05PTkU6Tk9ORTs3Nzs",
            "variants": [],
            "attributes": {
                "product_key": "P3",
                "rank": "3",
                "relevance": "0.3333333333333333",
                "title": "Origin",
                authors: "Dan Brown"
    "topSellingMovies": [{
        "name": "top-selling-movies",
        "ticket": "Oy9keW5hbWljLXBhZ2VzL2Jvb2tzLWFuZC1tb3ZpZXMvdG9wLXNlbGxpbmctbW92aWVzOyM7IzsjOyM7IzsjOyM7",
        "path": "/dynamic-pages/books-and-movies/top-selling-movies",
        "displayName": "Top Sellers",
        "description": "Lists the most sold products right now.",
        "attributes": {

        "resultType": "products",
        "products": [{
            "key": "P4",
            "ticket": "Oy9keW5hbWljLXBhZ2VzL2Jvb2tzLWFuZC1tb3ZpZXMvdG9wLXNlbGxpbmctbW92aWVzOyM7cHJvZHVjdF9rZXk7UDEwMTM3ODI5OyM7T0JKRUNUSVZFJDtOT05FOk5PTkU7Nzc7",
            "variants": [],
            "attributes": {
                "product_key": "P4",
                "rank": "1",
                "relevance": "1.0",
                "title": "Justice Leage"
            "key": "P5",
            "ticket": "Oy9keW5hbWljLXBhZ2VzL2Jvb2tzLWFuZC1tb3ZpZXMvdG9wLXNlbGxpbmctbW92aWVzOyM7cHJvZHVjdF9rZXk7UDEwMTM4MTIxOyM7T0JKRUNUSVZFJDtOT05FOk5PTkU7Nzc7",
            "variants": [],
            "attributes": {
                "product_key": "P5",
                "rank": "2",
                "relevance": "0.5",
                "title": "Thor: Ragnarok"
            "key": "P6",
            "ticket": "Oy9keW5hbWljLXBhZ2VzL2Jvb2tzLWFuZC1tb3ZpZXMvdG9wLXNlbGxpbmctbW92aWVzOyM7cHJvZHVjdF9rZXk7UDEwMTM4MTI0OyM7T0JKRUNUSVZFJDtOT05FOk5PTkU7Nzc7",
            "variants": [],
            "attributes": {
                "product_key": "P6",
                "rank": "3",
                "relevance": "0.3333333333333333",
                "title": "Morder on Orinet Express"

A name for the whole page, and names for each sub-panel must be set. Together with the name, for each panel a special token must be provided. These tokens are called dynamic page tokens.

Dynamic page tokens

Voyado Elevate collects statistics about panel usage based on panel names. These kind of statistics are also collected for dynamic pages and their sub-panels. Dynamic page tokens are designed to prevent misuse of dynamic pages by a malicious user.

Risk of errors in panel statistics

Statistics are based on panel names. Generating new names for dynamic pages and sub-panels as they are reused will result in inaccurate panel statistics. If there is a need to rename dynamic pages, please consider using local attributes instead.

All panel names must be validated by providing a valid token for each one. To create the token, the class MessageAuthentication first be implemented. Tokens are then generated with a private key (provided by Voyado to the customer) as seen in the example below.

//Example in C#.
var auth = new MessageAuthentication("{private-key}");
var dynamicPageToken = auth.Sign("{dynamic-page-name}");
var subpanelToken = auth.Sign("{subpanel-name}");

This online publication is intellectual property of Voyado Lund AB. Its contents can be duplicated in part or whole, provided that a copyright label is visibly located on each copy and the copy is used in conjunction with the product described within this document.

All information found in these documents has been compiled with utmost attention to detail. However, this does not guarantee complete accuracy. Neither Voyado Lund AB nor the authors shall be held liable for possible errors or the consequences thereof.

Software and hardware descriptions cited in these documents might be registered trademarks. All trade names are subject to copyright restrictions and may be registered trademarks. Voyado Lund AB essentially adheres to the manufacturer’s spelling. Names of products and trademarks appearing in this document, with or without specific notation, are likewise subject to trademark and trade protection laws and may thus fall under copyright restrictions.