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RESTful API v1

The Elevate 3 Enterprise Web API Service is a RESTful web service that handles the communication with the Voyado Elevate Cluster. Load balancing and failover are both handled automatically.

Connection requirements

If any connection problems are encountered using the Voyado Elevate Web API, verify that the client that is used is following the Connection requirements.

Getting started

API key and credentials

To be able to access and use the Elevate API, the customer onboarding Prerequirements must be fulfilled.


Base URL

The standard base URL for the Voyado Elevate Web API is https://{cluster-id}


All responses that are applicable from Elevate will be compressed with gzip if the header Accept-Encoding has the value gzip. Imports and dynamic page requests can have their request bodies compressed with gzip if the header Content-Encoding has the value gzip. It is recommended that the imports are compressed.

Request parameters

All API endpoints have different required parameters. All required parameters are to be considered as case sensitive. It is recommended to set a user-agent request header in all client requests to the RESTful API.



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