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Bury is a method to temporarily lower the strategy score of products in a market. It is beneficial for scenarios like burying a supplier's products, reducing the visibility of seasonal wear, or bury specific brands or types of products. Burying products will push them down in search results, category pages, and other locations where burying is applicable. All bury actions are managed in the Business app.


App design and features are subject to change without notice. Screenshots, including simulated data visible, are for illustrative purposes only.

Screenshot of Voyado Elevate Business app Bury tab

Before a bury can be initiated, the Admin app must be completely configured. Users' access to the Bury tab is configured within the User Management tab in the Admin app on a per-user basis.

Bury basics

Each bury action is defined by a name and includes a designated start and end date. It applies to one or more markets. The name for a bury action can be up to 50 characters long. Throughout the bury action, the strategy score of each affected product is adjusted to be lower than that of products not affected by the action. Statistics are collected during the bury action and can be quantified.

Burying boosted Products

When a product is simultaneously involved in both a bury and a boost, the strategy score associated with the bury will be applied to the product.

Having an excessive number of active buries or boost simultaneously is not advisable. It's likely to lead to unintended consequences and demand a substantial amount of manual effort.

Maximum Number of Buries and Boosts

There is a cap of 100 concurrently active buries and boost[pro] within a market. If this limit is reached, you may need to either reschedule or remove other currently active buries or boost[pro] to make room for a new bury.

Screenshot of Voyado Elevate Business app Bury tab Add demotion


A bury can be active in one or more markets simultaneously. The products selected for the bury are determined based on the products available in the current market within the apps.

Selecting products

Products utilized in a bury can be either manually selected or determined by rules, which can specify inclusion or exclusion. For additional details, please refer to Product Selection.

Screenshot of Voyado Elevate Business app Bury tab rule based products

Restricting buries to Specific Pages

You can restrict a bury to be active solely on chosen pages. These pages are determined in the Category & Landing Pages tab of the Experience app. The "Related" option will display pages where the selected products are found, while the "All" option will display pages, whether or not the selected products are present.

When you select a page, it will automatically encompass all of its sub-pages. If you hold down the "Shift" key while selecting a page with sub-pages, only the main page will be chosen. Individual sub-pages can be selected or deselected in the interface.

Screenshot of Voyado Elevate Business app Bury tab Restrict demotion

Limiting buries to Target Audiences

When Voyado Elevate is integrated with Voyado Engage, a bury can be confined to target predefined audiences from Voyado Engage. It's important to note that the audiences are created in Engage, not Elevate. For details regarding audiences and segmentation in Engage, refer to Getting Started with the Segmentation Tool.

Screenshot of Voyado Elevate Business app Bury tab Restrict demotion


Throughout a bury period, cumulative statistics for all buried products are gathered, including displays, clicks, units sold, revenue, and profit. Revenue and profit are displayed in the currency configured for the current market.

These statistics can be utilized to assess the impact of the bury. When measurement is enabled, 80% of sessions will involve the bury, while 20% will not. Impact is assessed by comparing the statistics between sessions with the bury and those without. The aggregated statistics for a bury encompass all sessions, including both those with and without the bury. It's not always recommended to measure buries.

If buries are restricted to specific audiences, the impact is exclusively assessed within the chosen audiences.

Use cases

Key use cases include burying products from a specific supplier, burying a product type (e.g., spare parts), and burying seasonal wear.

Primary lists and recommendation lists

Primary lists and recommendation lists can incorporate burying. Primary lists make full use of burying when employing the RELEVANCE sort order. Recommendation lists fully employ burying when using the TOP_PRODUCTS algorithm, and partially employ burying, specifically for product backfill, with the other recommendation algorithms.

Best practice

  • Do no use multiple include rules with the same attribute and different values within a rule set, instead use one include rule with one attribute and multiple values.
  • Measure statistics of a Bury if needed
  • Use rules for inclusion before rules for exclusion in a rule set

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All information found in these documents has been compiled with utmost attention to detail. However, this does not guarantee complete accuracy. Neither Voyado Lund AB nor the authors shall be held liable for possible errors or the consequences thereof.

Software and hardware descriptions cited in these documents might be registered trademarks. All trade names are subject to copyright restrictions and may be registered trademarks. Voyado Lund AB essentially adheres to the manufacturer’s spelling. Names of products and trademarks appearing in this document, with or without specific notation, are likewise subject to trademark and trade protection laws and may thus fall under copyright restrictions.