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Experience app

The Experience app includes multiple different functions for Voyado Elevate - Reports, Synonyms, Settings, Localisation, Navigation and Product sets.


App design and features are subject to change without notice. Screenshots, including simulated data visible, are for illustrative purposes only.


The Reports tab inclues the Search phrase report and the Search usage report. The search phrase report is a list of all the search phrases Voyado Elevate currently has stored in its memory for each market, with a maximum of 100 000 search phrases stored per market. The search usage report includes more detailed statistics for search queries, general and detailed facet usage, and sort order usage and changes.

Screenshot of Voyado Elevate Experience app - Search phrase report tab


The Synonyms tab allows for adding, editing, and removing synonyms for individual locales and also for global synonyms (synonyms used with all locales).

Screenshot of Voyado Elevate Experience app - Synonyms tab


The Localisation tab includes all text items that can be changed for Voyado Elevate. This includes product badges, facet names, sorting options, and color names.

Screenshot of Voyado Elevate Experience app - Localisation tab


Pages includes three sub-tabs:

  • Category and landing pages tab includes a list of pages, each with their own settings for product lists and more.

  • Tweak recommendations tab gives control which products are displayed alongside other products within a product page.

  • Settings tab include default settings for product lists including product cards, facets, and out of stock, as well as specific settings for autocomplete and search.

Screenshot of Voyado Elevate Experience app - Pages tab

The Navigation tab is where the navigation for a site can be set up and managed. A navigation tree is built per market and consists of navigation nodes that are either pages, links, or labels.

Screenshot of Voyado Elevate Experience app - Navigation tab

Product sets

The Product sets tab is where product sets for a site can be set up and managed. A product set is a collection of products that can be used for slices.


This online publication is intellectual property of Voyado Lund AB. Its contents can be duplicated in part or whole, provided that a copyright label is visibly located on each copy and the copy is used in conjunction with the product described within this document.

All information found in these documents has been compiled with utmost attention to detail. However, this does not guarantee complete accuracy. Neither Voyado Lund AB nor the authors shall be held liable for possible errors or the consequences thereof.

Software and hardware descriptions cited in these documents might be registered trademarks. All trade names are subject to copyright restrictions and may be registered trademarks. Voyado Lund AB essentially adheres to the manufacturer’s spelling. Names of products and trademarks appearing in this document, with or without specific notation, are likewise subject to trademark and trade protection laws and may thus fall under copyright restrictions.