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Slices allows you to tell your story beyond mere relevance. With Slices, you can override and maintain product relevance in displays, ensuring that your selections align perfectly with your narrative while still leveraging the power of Elevate Relevance.

What is a Slice?

Slices are added to a product listing page, allowing you to override the default relevance and display curated product sets. Each slice contains products curated into a product set listed in order of relevance. Additionally, products in a product set within a slice can be pinned to maintain specific placement.

To better understand slices we need to understand three concepts.

  • Pages: A page is a pathway that can have a product list attached to it and more settings but for this topic, let's focus on the product list aspect.
  • Slice: A slice is a section inside the product list. It represents a segmented area where specific actions or rules can be applied.
  • Product set: A product set is a grouping of products with a name attached

Let's refine it: A page can have an attached product list, which includes a section known as a Slice. Within this Slice, we organize products also known as a Product set.

Slices synergize with Pinning, Boost & Bury, and Exposure strategies.

Creata a slice

To create a slice within a primary list, click the "Slice" button.

Product list select slices

Create a Slice and select your product set

You can associate a product set with each Slice you create, and every Slice requires a product set. Additionally, you have the option to enable or disable the "Apply to subpages" setting. When enabled, this setting automatically applies the Slice to all subpages containing products from the selected product set. If needed, you can later remove this inheritance on specific subpages.


If you add a product set to a Slice without overlapping products, the Slice will not be displayed. For instance, if you create a jewelry product set and apply it to a Slice on a page primarily featuring men's shirts, the Slice will likely not appear due to the lack of relevant products.

Product list select slices

The newly created Slices will appear in the product list alongside the selected product set. Here, you can either use the relevance ranking provided by Elevate or pin specific products to feature them at the top. If the product set is extensive or if you want more control over the number of products displayed in the Slice, you can set a limit using the "Edit Slice Size" feature, allowing you to choose between 1 and 24 products.

Product list select slices

You can also drag and drop pinned products to adjust their order.

Product list select slices

You can also add multiple Slices to the same product list and rearrange their order using the title selector.

Product list select slices

Be sure to click "Save" and then "Publish" after making any changes to activate the Slice on your eCommerce website.


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All information found in these documents has been compiled with utmost attention to detail. However, this does not guarantee complete accuracy. Neither Voyado Lund AB nor the authors shall be held liable for possible errors or the consequences thereof.

Software and hardware descriptions cited in these documents might be registered trademarks. All trade names are subject to copyright restrictions and may be registered trademarks. Voyado Lund AB essentially adheres to the manufacturer’s spelling. Names of products and trademarks appearing in this document, with or without specific notation, are likewise subject to trademark and trade protection laws and may thus fall under copyright restrictions.