Full changelog¶
The full changelog provides a comprehensive overview of the changes, updates, and improvements made to Voyado Elevate.
Changelog entry types
- Added: New features or functionalities that have been added to the software.
- Changed: Modifications made to existing features or functionalities. This can include updates, enhancements, or alterations to how something works.
- Fixed: Bugs or issues that have been addressed and resolved.
- Removed: Features, functionalities, or components that have been removed from the software.
- Deprecated: Functionalities that are still present but have been marked for removal in future releases.
- Security: Security vulnerabilities that have been patched or addressed.
- Performance: Changes related to performance improvements or optimizations.
Date | Type | Description |
2024-08-26 | fixed | Fix size format validation being too strict in v4 imports |
2024-08-20 | fixed | Add measurement validation to v4 imports |
2024-07-24 | changed | Improve structural error messages in v4 catalog imports |
2024-07-23 | fixed | Fix dangerous imports protection not triggering for admin v4 catalog imports |
2024-07-23 | changed | Improve error messages when reaching early end-of-file in v4 catalog imports |
2024-07-16 | changed | Improve v4 catalog import error messages and allow single values in arrays |
2024-07-11 | added | Add q parameter to landing page |
2024-06-24 | added | Add template support in Admin v3, v4 and Storefront v3 API:s to enable customized response objects |
2024-06-19 | added | Introduced slices |
2024-06-17 | added | Add possibility to tweak recommendations on product details pages and add-to-cart popups |
2024-06-11 | added | Add some new diacritics for Polish, Czech, Latvian & Lithuanian |
2024-06-04 | added | Add support for custom typed numbers |
2024-05-13 | removed | remove support for API 2, version has reached end of life |
2024-04-30 | fixed | Fix issue where export would be aborted during cluster upgrade |
2024-04-22 | changed | Update navigation imports to include node title in errors |
2024-04-18 | fixed | Fix product removal of omitted products when replacing product groups in Admin v4 |
2024-04-12 | fixed | Fix support for adding locale to existing market support in configuration imports in Admin v4 |
2024-04-12 | changed | Change store stock number format in Admin v4 |
2024-04-09 | added | Make age and gender translatable in Admin v4 |
2024-04-09 | fixed | Fix size facet in product rules not being allowed, despite being allowed in app editors |
2024-04-09 | fixed | Fix validation of non-empty values when provided in Admin v4 |
2024-03-26 | added | Upgrade the api specification to use the OpenApi 3.1 standard |
2024-03-25 | changed | Change example type in ContentFilter schema from String to List |
2024-03-18 | added | Improve alternative recommendations though added utilization of click data |
2024-03-07 | changed | Improve product type correlation requirements in alternative recommendations |
2024-03-05 | added | Add support for lists of page ids in page export filters |
2024-03-04 | fixed | Fix faulty product result limit on product pages, now allowing more than 50 products in a group to be returned |
2024-02-23 | fixed | Fix navigation faceting for search and landing pages when using page references |
2024-02-14 | added | Add support for custom json fields in closed Admin API v4 beta |
2024-02-13 | added | Add support for error details as json objects in closed Admin API v4 beta |
2024-02-09 | changed | Improve error messages for page imports to include the invalid page's id |
2024-02-09 | added | Add support for closed beta of Admin API v4 |
2024-02-07 | added | Add support for model designation in auto complete |
2024-02-02 | fixed | Fix image order instability in exports |
2024-01-30 | fixed | Fix support for newlines in product rules when importing and exporting pages |
2024-01-25 | fixed | Fix trimming of all values in multi-value fields in data imports |
2024-01-18 | added | Add support for model designation search |
2024-01-18 | change | Treat empty names in data imports the same way as non-existing names |
2024-01-17 | performance | Reduce data import time |
2024-01-09 | added | Add support for applying global filter to all product listings though the Elevate Apps |
Date | Type | Description |
2023-12-14 | changed | Improved matching for CJK |
2023-12-14 | added | Add locale as optional attribute to modify_attributes element in attribute modification import |
2023-11-14 | fixed | Allow product group exports during imports |
2023-11-08 | added | Add new add-to-cart popup recommendation |
2023-11-02 | added | Added support for sorting by title |
2023-11-01 | change | Naming transition from "Promotion & Demotion" to "Boost & Bury" |
2023-10-27 | added | Allow exports of a single page by providing an idFilter with a page id |
2023-10-27 | added | Allow duplicating pages in the app editor |
2023-10-27 | added | Add translation for measurements facets and sort orders |
2023-10-27 | fixed | Fix brands_* showing up as suggestions |
2023-10-27 | fixed | Ensure that ontological interpretations with a product type blocks prefix search |
2023-10-27 | added | Include X-Response-Time header for V3 Queries |
2023-09-22 | fixed | Searching for pages in the app now also matches page paths |
2023-09-15 | fixed | Fixed some relaxed interpretations not showing up in secondaryList |
2023-09-15 | added | Added ×*x as weak diacritics |
2023-09-13 | fixed | Fixed bug where description in Storefront API would not remove escape characters |
2023-09-07 | added | Added support for predefined attribute weight on product and variant |
2023-09-04 | fixed | Fixed issue where the request following an async import would wait until the import was completed |
2023-08-15 | added | Introduced Soft deduplication |
2023-08-15 | added | The list of recommendation types available in Elevate is extended with Recently Viewed, returning recently viewed products by the visitor |
2023-06-28 | changed | Predefined measurements (length, height, width, depth, and volume) are now returned in product listings |
2023-06-28 | changed | Improved the search labels for the categories -attribute by splitting the values on the > separator |
2023-06-28 | changed | The number of entities reported in Import status of the Integration app now consider all the languages of the markets instead of just one |
2023-06-28 | fixed | Units are included on facets when exporting pages |
2023-06-28 | fixed | Predefined measurement facets are added to the localization settings |
2023-06-13 | changed | Custom facets are now returned sorted by type and then alphabetically in the Experience app when specifying fixed facets in a primary product list. (The types are product custom, product custom length, variant custom and variant custom length.) |
2023-04-18 | added | Product rules now support categories |
2023-04-18 | changed | Brand is now included in the Upsell algorithm |
2023-04-18 | fixed | Clicks on product level were not correctly removed in the Remove recently viewed notification when removing specific product keys |
2023-04-17 | changed | Out of stock settings take effect on all recommendation lists |
2023-04-17 | changed | The main product on a product page is excluded from any recommendation on that same page |
2023-04-17 | added | A setting for limiting the returned number of products within a product group in a query is introduced. The default value is 25, and the max value is 1 000 |
2023-04-03 | added | A new product attribute, categories , is introduced |
2023-03-30 | added | Promotions and demotions by audience is now available for Voyado Evolve customers |
2023-03-24 | added | Icons can now be added to navigation nodes |
2023-03-09 | added | Two new product attributes, series and name , are introduced |
2023-03-09 | fixed | Pinning in recommendation lists are now effected by deduplication. E.g. a product pinned in two recommendation lists on the same page will now only show up in the first list |
2023-03-09 | fixed | Product rules lacked validation that could lead to incorrectly formatted filters |
2023-03-09 | fixed | Content hits would disappear when the full matching word was entered |
2023-02-24 | fixed | Pinning did not respect product selections in recommendation lists |
2023-02-21 | added | A new sort order of facet values, natural , is introduced. The natural sort order supports numeric sorting of numbers within text values |
2023-02-21 | added | A new API endpoint for the latest notifications, latest , is introduced |
2023-02-21 | fixed | Copying a page could duplicate the page path |
2023-02-21 | fixed | It was not possible to search for custom attribute values beyond the first value if it was not present in the parent product |
2023-02-21 | fixed | Importing a previously named value with no value could create inconsistencies |
2023-01-27 | added | Custom attributes for variants are introduced |
2023-01-27 | added | New variant attribute, order , to override sorting is introduced |
2023-01-27 | fixed | The secondary product list could show up when selecting facets for the primary product list |
2023-01-13 | added | Introduced support and understanding for diacritics |
2023-01-12 | added | Introduced default localization settings for cs-CZ , es-ES , es-MX , pl-PL , pt-PT , pt-BR , ru-RU , fr-FR , nl-NL , and ko-KR |
2023-01-12 | added | Custom attributes can be added to pages via the page import |
2023-01-12 | added | Semi-colon ; is added as a delimiter for the search result export in the Experience app |
Date | Type | Description |
2022-12-20 | added | Support for the locales de-AT and et-EE is added. |
2022-12-09 | changed | Page requests to non-existing pages will not generate new pages. This is only valid for clusters created after this date. |
2022-11-09 | changed | The default limit of 20 facet vales in product selections is raised to 200. This is a per-customer setting. |
2022-11-09 | fixed | Content suggestions are blocked from autocomplete with a missing or empty q . |
2022-11-04 | added | Support for the Mexican Spanish locale, es-MX , is added. |
2022-11-04 | added | Support for per-market page selections in boosts and buries is added. |
2022-11-04 | fixed | Characters such as å , ä , and ö where not allowed in custom attribute names for product rules while being allowed in custom attribute names in the data feed. |
2022-10-28 | changed | Attribute modifications for stock and price are allowed for multilingual markets. |
2022-10-28 | changed | Repeated keys are allowed in attributed in attribute modifications. |
2022-10-28 | changed | It is no longer required to use the same content keys for all locales on multilingual markets. |
2022-10-28 | changed | The Display out of stock products in product card setting can now be set to off when the Display out of stock products in product list setting is on. |
2022-10-28 | fixed | The navigation node count in the Experience app was incorrect for multilingual markets. |
2022-10-20 | added | Multi market imports are introduced. Sites available in multiple languages does no longer require multiple markets with individual data feeds to cater for different languages. |
2022-10-20 | added | Added support for long-running imports. |
2022-10-20 | added | Introduction of Storefront API and Admin API. |
2022-10-20 | changed | Generic suffixes are automatically handled in the product classification. |
2022-10-19 | changed | Updated search ranking for products that was used together with another product. |
2022-10-19 | fixed | Localized page paths caused navigation nodes to have an incorrect product count. |
2022-10-19 | fixed | Pages could be listed twice in navigation trees if they had a localized path. |
2022-10-17 | fixed | Upgrades of localization settings. |
2022-10-17 | fixed | Removal of redundantly generated settings. |
2022-10-12 | added | eSales is now Voyado Elevate! |
2022-10-12 | changed | Allows a less precise release_date for products. A day precision, e.g. 2022-10-12, is now allowed without a time and offset part. |
2022-08-30 | added | New API endpoints for importing and exporting navigation trees, navigation , are introduced. |
2022-08-24 | added | With a missing or empty q , the autocomplete returns recent search phrases by the visitor. |
2022-08-24 | added | Autocomplete is improved to include recent search phrases by the visitor. |
2022-08-24 | added | It is now possible to filter using facet colors in product selections and product rules. |
2022-08-24 | changed | Clarifications that stock number in product selections does not work with store parameters. |
2022-08-24 | changed | Stock number is renamed to Online stock number in the esales Apps. |
2022-08-15 | removed | Page requests with invalid id's are no longer persisted. |
2022-08-15 | removed | Existing page requests with invalid id's that are not published in the Elevate Apps are removed. |
2022-08-15 | fixed | Fixed trimming issue with image URLs. |
2022-08-10 | added | Commas, , , are recognized as a possible decimal separator when sorting and/or comparing sizes. |
2022-08-10 | fixed | Fixed a broken path for a legacy notification endpoint (v1). |
2022-08-09 | added | With a missing or empty q , the autocomplete returns recent search phrases by the visitor. |
2022-08-09 | added | Autocomplete is improved to include recent search phrases by the visitor. |
2022-07-13 | fixed | Boosts could have a product count of 0 while still containing products. |
2022-07-13 | added | New API endpoints for importing and exporting pages, pages , are introduced. |
2022-07-13 | added | The Configuration tab in the Admin app has new controls to manage changes to pages via the apps and the api. |
2022-06-30 | added | The q parameter is now optional in autocomplete. With a missing or empty q , the autocomplete aims to return popular and diverse search phrases that are proven by Elevate. |
2022-06-30 | added | Autocomplete is improved by using search-to-purchase data to promote popular search phrases. |
2022-06-30 | fixed | The navigation tree endpoint did not always respect the out of stock setting. |
2022-06-21 | added | Search criteria can now be relaxed to include more search results. |
2022-06-08 | fixed | Facets would not be included for GET requests for a configured page with a primary list. |
2022-06-08 | fixed | The size facet result was included even if it was empty. |
2022-06-08 | fixed | The description search did not fully work as intended. |
2022-05-30 | added | A new query parameter, presentPrices , is introduced to allow for multiple custom prices to be included in product listings. |
2022-05-30 | changed | Improved did-you-mean for brand names that contain digits. |
2022-05-30 | changed | Did-you-mean will not be used for other words that contain digits. |
2022-05-30 | fixed | Out of stock variants were not always returned for the main product in Product Page requests. |
2022-05-30 | fixed | A primary product list could be returned even when the configured page did not include a primary product list. |
2022-05-11 | added | A new API endpoint for exporting product groups, product-groups , is introduced. |
2022-05-11 | added | A new API endpoint for to check if the service is up and running, status , is introduced. |
2022-05-11 | changed | Improved gender classification of products. |
2022-05-11 | changed | Stricter search results for generic prefix searches. |
2022-05-11 | fixed | Pages in the apps could be listed for markets they did not belong to. |
2022-05-11 | fixed | Autocomplete could give an exception of a product or a content item only contained one character. |
2022-05-11 | fixed | Search queries containing small words such as "&" and "i" could result in no hits when faceted. |
2022-05-11 | fixed | Boosted and buried products were not considered for special cases. |
2022-04-13 | added | A new page configuration option, productRules , is introduced to reduce the need to manually curate data sets within the Elevate apps. |
2022-04-13 | changed | Pages are now stored with the market as part of the key path, allowing pages on different markets to share ids. |
2022-04-13 | changed | General improvements to the size cleaner feature. |
2022-04-13 | fixed | The primary list was not returned in the response of a landing-page query when using GET . |
2022-04-13 | fixed | It was not reflected in the response of a landing-page query that the primary list was disabled from the Elevate Apps. |
2022-03-29 | added | Boosts and buries can now be restricted to only be active on selected pages. |
2022-03-23 | added | Sorting of sizes in the formats SML/Length (e.g. S/L32) and SML/Number (e.g. S/30) is added. |
2022-03-23 | fixed | Minor fixes of the API documentation. |
2022-03-10 | added | A new query parameter, presentCustom , is introduced to include custom attributes that can be shown in product and recommendation lists. |
2022-01-27 | added | The onlyInStock checkbox facet can now be used even when the setting "Display out of stock products in product list" is disabled. When this setting is disabled the facet, when configured, will be returned in the result as a preselected checkbox, which can be used to let the visitor include out of stock products if they wish. |
2022-01-27 | fixed | Filtering on active/inactive synonyms resulted in unexpected behavior and errors when trying to edit the synonyms. |
2022-01-27 | fixed | The letters v and w were not separated in Swedish and Finnish when sorting on alphabetical facet values. |
2022-01-26 | added | All apps are now hosted inside a single app on the URL https://esales.cloud. |
2022-01-14 | added | The Apptus eSales API specification is now based on OpenAPI v3. |
- Parameters for
have been added to Query parameters to enable stock levels for both online and physical stores.
- The size cleaning feature have been even more improved in regards to size deduplication.
- Rule based product selections that are filtered on newness have a default value.
- Filter attributes for
are now supported in page requests.
- Apptus eSales Lifestyle has changed its name to Apptus eSales 4.
- Duplicate product groups can now be suppressed, i.e. they will only show up once in a product listing.
- Significant performance increase for most queries.
- Improved the results from the size cleaning feature.
- The
now supports undefined values if there are no products in the selection.
- Classification and concept additions and improvements.
- The product import size limit for Boosts and Buries has been raised from 600 to 700.
- Improved performance for Search and Autocorrect.
- Product counts for navigation nodes that did not point to a page was incorrect.
- Products from different departments are now demoted in Alternative recommendations.
- Classification and concept additions and improvements.
- It was not possible to modify a single custom price for a variant using the attribute modification import without all custom prices for the variant present.
- The color service now supports
- Improved performance for Search for large product catalogs.
- Localisation options for the deprecated web components have been removed.
- General performance improvements.
- Fixed a bug where the apps could crash for new users.
- Fixed a bug in conflict handling where it was not shown that a page or navigation resource was simultaneously edited by another user.
- Improved backfill for Alternative recommendations when there are too few products of the same product type as the currently viewed product.
- Improved performance for autocomplete with short phrases for large (10 000+) product catalogs.
- The content count in the Dashboard could be incorrect when using multiple markets.
- Delimiters are changed from comma,
, to pipe,|
, in the cart query parameter for the cart page query and the content keys parameters in the content information query.
- The new Navigation editor is introduced.
- The eSales Lifestyle Web Components are deprecated.
- Capitalization on generated page titles and navigation node titles have been improved.
- It was not possible to add pages in the apps if the
ended with a/
- Age groups are introduced for improved size recommendations.
- The numbers of colors that are recognised by eSales Lifestyle for search are increased. (English only)
- Improved differentiation in autocomplete between colors and other concepts (English only).
- New material and shape concepts are added (English only).
- Better handling of slashes in SML size formats.
- Unordered image had priority even when not included in image ordering lists, causing an unintuitive behavior.
- Controls for the initial score and score half-life for new products are introduced.
- The algorithm for alternative product recommendations now include direct visual similarity as a factor, when assessing product alternatives.
- Classification have been improved and extended.
- Added display name (label) for custom attributes to the response of product page requests.
- Added support for custom image attributes in the data feed and response objects.
is now optional for products in the data feed.
- Internal imports could prevent analysed import information from being updated.
- Image tags were not properly escaped in exports.
- Product pinning support for product listings is introduced.
- Support for Single Page Applications when using the Web Components is introduced.
- The components use the supplied
-text for images when provided.
- The product page opened up when the gallery navigation buttons were clicked in a product card.
- The image order in the Search assistant used the Thumbnail settings for image priority instead of the Idle image priority.
- The height of thumbnail images in the product cards differed for products in stock and out of stock.
- Images with proportions larger than 0.833 had a grey block displayed below the image.
- The maximum number selected facets have been increased to 200.
- Classification have been improved and extended for Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, German, and Finnish.
- Prices can be displayed with more than two decimals.
- The thumbnail hint in product cards was not correctly aligned when the swatches did not fit within the product card footer.
- Empty recommendation lists could be displayed.
- The category page number was retained when changing categories.
- The "No match in filter"-text was not displayed as intended on category pages.
- The opacity of out of stock product images was not correct in the search assistant product suggestions.
Edge 15, 18
Scroll restoration on page refresh was not correct.Safari 11+
Images flickered when the gallery navigation buttons was used.
- When importing advanced custom attributes, the latest id to name relation will be interpreted as an override, and apply for all applicable products in the catalog.
- Classification of product types have been improved and extended for English and Norwegian.
- Localisation settings for
were missing.
- Page merchandising is introduced.
- The API payment notification now returns a
-error when one or more order lines had incorrect variant keys. Order lines with correct variant keys are accepted even if one or more order lines had incorrect variant keys.
- Email recommendations now support recommendations based on favorites.
- Images now support
attributes in the data feed.
- Frames are automatically removed from cutout images before the color analysis.
- Color analysis of
-files could cause incorrect results. - Removed support for
-files for the image analysis.
- Content, a flexible and generic type of data, is introduced.
- The scroll position could in some cases be incorrectly set when pressing back from a clicked product or reloading a page with components.
- Some color swatches were given a generic
value as opposed to the actual multiple colors of the garment. - Turning of product suggestions could under special circumstances cause incorrect search re-directs.
- Apptus eSales Fashion has changed its name to eSales Lifestyle.
- Favorites are introduced. Visitors can now select their favorite products from a retailer's product catalog.
- Favorites recommendations are introduced. The Favorites recommendation tries to find products that are related to the products that have been notified to Elevate as a favorite product by the visitor.
- If the price slider had been used, the price facet did not re-render correctly after the "clear all" button had been used on mobile devices.
- A search results page could still be scrolled when interacting with the category facet on mobile devices.
- The right part of the facet menu was overlapped by the browser scrollbar when a facet was located near the edge of a screen.
- Product image thumbnails did not display correctly on hover.
- Only products from the page mentioned in the URL was loaded when using a browser's back and forward buttons to navigate between pages.
- The scroll position was not correctly remembered on a page reload or when the sort order had been changed.
- On very slow internet connections, an incorrect search result count of 0 was visible before the search results was rendered.
Menu and filter layouts did not behave correctly.iOS 14+
The search assistant input area was incorrectly sized.Safari 10.1
The responsiveness of the web components did not perform as expected.Safari 10.1
Product images did not render correctly.Safari 9.1
The selected facets was did not render correctly.
- Manual Style with recommendations are introduced. The manual Style with recommendations are retailer selected products that go well together with another product.
- Support for custom URLs is introduced in the Events API.
- The API library,
, is released.
- Sorting by
could result in duplicates in the result list.
- The image analysis now supports images in the
- The Web Components now utilize the API v2.
- A new recommendation algorithm,
, is introduced. The algorithm is also used when sorting a result withNEWEST_FIRST
. - Badges now support a field,
, that shows which attribute in the data feed that the badge is based on. - Multiple primary and secondary badges are allowed when using the API.
- The format of keys for product groups, products, variants, and content links is extended to allow the additional characters
- Positioning of selected count of facets was inconsistent for mobile devices.
- Products in recommendation areas can now be hand picked.
- The price facet was not rendered correctly when selecting other facets.
- The behavior of arrows in expandable vertical facet lists was inconsistent.
- It is now allowed to set the same
value on multiple variants, as long as there is at least one format with a unique single value per variant.
- Automatic image type and color extraction from images using deep learning.
- A
field is added to thenavigation
field in the responses of thelanding-page
and thesearch-page
API endpoints. - Custom attributes are added to the
field in the response of theproduct-page
API endpoint. - The
field is removed from regular product listings in responses from the API endpoints.
- Size options that lacked formats was not rendered correctly.
- Images with
, and other compound characters could cause the color analysis to stop working. - Product groups with more than 20 products was not supported.
- The next generation semantic search is released featuring NLP (Natural Language Processing) capabilities.
- Unified the category page and landing page request endpoint in the API.
- Reduced memory usage for JSON exports.
- Imports failed if they included taxonomy references that was not available on the target server.
- The number of times a facet was used was counted incorrectly.
- When expanded, the top category in the category list on mobile did not collapse on click.
- The category navigation tree indicated non-existent child items.
- The last facet value was hidden on mobile when the number of facets made the facet list exceed the size of the screen.
The numbers of products per row in a product list was not correct.
- Theming API v2 is released including new layout possibilities for the Navigation assistant and a new list mode for facets.
- The API for eSales Lifestyle is available.
- Synonyms can now be disabled and enabled in the Experience app, as well as filtered by their status.
- Added type for image order prioritization in the Experience app.
- The color analysis is performed on the most relevant products first.
- Editing actions in the Experience app could cause incorrect conflicts.
- The size cleaning feature is enabled by default.
- The
element inproduct_group
is no longer required. - The
attribute forsize
element is no longer required.
- The search assistant drop-down could not be scrolled to the end with sticky headers.
- Product sizes in product cards were not correctly centred.
- Scroll arrows in product cards were incorrectly displayed after window resizing.
- Hovering over a thumbnail did not trigger an image swap of the main image.
- Product type extraction now supports Norwegian.
- Empty optional attributes are now allowed and treated as if the attribute is not provided.
- Improved error handling of cart recommendations, returns an error if all product keys are wrong.
- Improved error handling of cart recommendations, empty carts results in empty results.
- Exporting data added an additional attribute on images with
if no type was set.
- The Apptus Integration app is released for eSales Lifestyle.
- Personal recommendations are introduced.
- Cart recommendations are introduced.
- Searches with a poor match score but high estimated revenue were ranked too high when having no or very little behavior data.
- Selecting a size in a size facet in any listing, now automatically takes the visitor to the product with that size already pre-selected when clicking on a product.
- Filtering on multi-colored products did not include products with
set, i.e only products with analysed colors was shown.
- Automatic data extraction of concepts for product recommendations are introduced.
- A new component, Recommendation product list, is introduced.
- Special characters were not recognised in the recommendations path URL.
- Facets in responsive layouts with browser widths around 480 px was not rendering correctly.
- The size facet selector indicated wrong visual states.
- Custom prices are introduced. This is used show to prices of the product assortment in local currencies, or to handle member or VIP prices.
- Two new labels, content suggestions and search suggestions, are introduced to the Search assistant component.
- A new low level component, Primary product count, is introduced.
- The rating stars did not render correctly.
- The price slider in the vertical facet was not responsive.
- All components did not support the attribute
- Smaller and more customisable components are introduced to eSales Lifestyle allowing for new layout options and possibilities, including vertical and expandable facets.
- The Email recommendations add-on is now available for eSales Lifestyle.
- External custom font icon glyphs can now be used in the components.
- The cursor looked active for disabled navigation menu items.
- The session key could become incorrect if the customer key was altered.
- The expand label for the preamble text disappeared when using overly large line heights for the preamble text.
- The preamble text was not fully expanded for very long texts.
- Special characters was not searchable.
- The selected sort order was not restored when using
Sort by discount
orSort by rating
and then navigating to a product page and back. - Applying a facet or opening a category from a search result that used a corrected search phrase returned no results.
- External links in the left navigation was not clickable.
- Errors were thrown in the console if a product did not have images.
The expand label for the preamble text disappeared when the text was expanded.Edge
The top navigation disappeared when clicking a top navigation item that had a set SEO page title and description.Edge
Canonical links and SEO descriptions were not present.Firefox
Autocomplete showed suggested phrases without any spaces.Safari on iPhone
The price range slider dot was overlaid by the range line.
- Introduced settings for SEO meta data, canonical URLs, and dynamic page titles.
- The Navigation Assistant now includes support for fixed content slots.
- It is now allowed to load lower resolution images for performance enhancements on mobile devices.
- Products with many variants out of stock will now show the out of stock label instead of swatches.
- Links where not accessible by site crawlers.
- The preamble text could not be customised via the Theming API.
- Product titles was missing font-weight styling.
- Size facets without size groups did not have any top spacing on mobile devices.
- The visual divider between the preamble text and the
button was missing on mobile devices. iPhone 7
The last category filter option was blocked by theClose
button when refining a search result.Safari 9.1
TheSort by
type was not displayed.
- The
can be set separately for desktop and mobile devices.
- The
observer only invalidates components that has had a layout change. - Added a horizontal divider between the content suggestions and the autocomplete suggestions in the search assistant.
- The
View all
button was not displayed after scrolling through drop down content in the search assistant on mobile devices. - Incorrect removal of an event listener for the image carousel caused a memory leak.
- Categories under labels disappeared when changing departments on mobile devices.
- The space between currency and price differed between sales price and list price.
- Products in stock could under rare circumstances be displayed as out of stock.
Safari 9.1
Incorrect displaying ofView all products for...
in the search field.
- Added support for SEO preamble texts.
- The Recommendation component now supports product carousels for both desktop and mobile devices.
- Added visual cues for out of stock swatches and out of stock cards.
- Improved accessibility for search.
- Improved caching stability of settings.
Firefox 63, 64
Select facet items icons were cropped at the bottom in the drop-down menu.Edge 15
Product filters and navigation assistant actions did not update the product list.
- Non-search sessions were sometimes included in the search statistics causing erroneous figures in the Search Usage Report. Note: The data shown in the Search Usage Report prior to this release is not correct unless the site only uses Search.
- Selling price is no longer mandatory for payment notifications.
- localized settings always used English as the default language regardless of provided market locale.
- Improved script performance by loading polyfills when required with a runtime check.
- Rating values used for star visualization are rounded instead of truncated. For example a value of 4.9 will be displayed as 5 stars instead of 4.5 stars.
- The Quick buy button was displayed over facet values.
- Searches that return one content link and no phrase suggestions and no product suggestions will redirect to the content link page on search.
- Size facets omits the label when no label is needed.
- The price facet was not marked as selected in some cases.
- The search header did not trim away the
symbol. - Stars in ratings was only showing the left half of the star on mobile devices.
- Rendering issues of the minus sign for price facet groups.
- Only markets with product data are displayed in the market selector in the apps.
- Auto correct and auto completions could produce suggestions with only out of stock products.
- The apps could temporarily be non-responsive due to being locked out by an update by the color service.
- Corrections through synonyms could lead to strange auto corrections.
- Auto completion sometimes produced undifferentiated suggestions.
- Product count differed in taxonomies in the apps compared to the product count in taxonomy trees on a site.
- Added support for size facet in boosts and taxonomy.
- Added support to hide out of stock variants and products.
- Full support for display name of custom attribute facet values.
- Improved performance in product page for large product catalogs.
- The import parser trims leading and trailing white spaces.
- Size cleaning had collisions between bra size and fit/length, e.g.
bra sizes being interpreted as loose or long. - Size cleaning did not unify white spaces.
- Sorting of slim/regular/loose and/or short/regular/long is now numerical first, small to large and added support for
prefix. - Sorting of sport bra sizes (e.g.
) is now smallest first instead of alphabetical. - Sizes with the different formats could get the wrong values due to concurrent usages.
- Strange error message and state appeared due to retries when modifying taxonomies in the app.
- Added support for two title rows in product cards.
- The Load more button was not affected by button styling.
- Additional data added to the Quick buy event],
- Added a new component, Filterable list,
, that supports custom collections unattached to the navigation. The component displays a product listing, filters, and sorting options.
Quick buy button disappeared after a few moments under certain conditions.
- Added support for size cleaning, i.e. unifying sizes to reduce clutter in facets.
- Added server side support for page facets i.e. prefiltered product listings.
- Search now includes product groups,
. - Server side support added for display name of custom attribute facet values.
- Incorrect completions and suggestions was returned when searching with a product or variant key.
- New interface in the Localisation tab in the Experience app.
- Added a Quick buy button to the Product cards.
Clear facet button was not clickable.
- Added server side support for Size cleaning.
- Taxonomy image override settings was inconsistent.
- Scroll position was not restored when a visitor arrived at a product page from a product listing and then pressed the back button. The issue can still be found on MS Edge 17 and MacOS Safari 12 under some conditions.
- New main menu interface in the Navigation editor.
- Updated visualization when creating new navigation elements.
- Payment notifications on removed variants caused erroneous errors.
- Taxonomy nodes with
as criteria could under special circumstances not be evaluated.
- Localisation of navigation labels was added. It is now possible to customise additional button texts used in navigation.
- Script was cached client side too long after releases, preventing clients to take part of updates within a reasonable time frame.
- The theming option
did not have any effect. - Clicking on labels in the search assistant briefly disabled the of suggestions for the visitor.
- It was possible to navigate to label-nodes, without any clear definition of expected behavior.
- Added option to set a custom navigation path for categories in the navigation editor.
- Default colors containing special colors such as gold or silver will not be overridden by analysis, as metallics cannot be analysed.
- Added
validation for a better error message.
- Extremely long search queries caused visual flaws.
- Default product card background color value was altered, affecting the background of images with unusual ratios.
- Added support for image gallery and swap between two model pictures.
- Added support for hover effects of model images.
- Search phrases containing unnecessary spaces were not trimmed.
- Added extended logging of JSON imports.
- Altered color codes used in default color facets to be more visually appealing.
- Added support for additional badge theming options.
- Navigation assistant did not allow viewing all products in all categories.
- Filters could be renamed by visitors.
- Inconsistent navigation behavior in the navigation editor.
- Horizontal scroll bar appeared when browser width was between 992 px and 1389 px.
Browser had unexpected flash.
- Added protection from dangerous imports. If an import removes 50% of items from any market or makes 50% of products go from categorised to uncategorised, the import will fail with
unless aforce=true
import parameter is set.
- Added support for additional badge themes.
- Reduced script loading for recurring visitors.
- One range slider dot was missing on mobile devices.
- Search assistant field was not shown and gave an incorrect console error when deprecated customization settings was used.
Badges was not displayed.
- Product card listing layouts was flawed in a few edge cases.
- Modified responsiveness for product cards to be dynamically resized as opposed to increasing the number of cards with a fixed width. Added corresponding theming options.
- Added support for additional slots in the navigation assistant.
- Added theming options for vertical spacing of product cards.
- Facet wrappers incorrectly used layout and facets per row styling on tablet devices.
- Scroll-bar was appearing on the search-results-header.
- Underline was not centred when the product size value was hovered.
- Search input field was not automatically focused after tapping the search icon on mobile devices.
- Subcategory list in menu was not correctly updated on mobile devices.
- Search assistant drop-down had an incorrect border if there was no content in the results.
- Navigation was reset when pressing
Clear all
for facets in a search result. - The color of the breadcrumb was overridden by the browser link color.
- Changing zoom level in browser introduced vertical scrollbar arrows in suggested products.
Text in the search assistant was indented too much.IE11
Images and facets was displayed in wrong sizes.IE11
Search page layout was inconsistent.
- Added support for custom badges.
- Added support for out-of-order and infix searches for Content links.
- Improved performance for large sites, ~20% faster for search and recommendations and ~50% faster for navigation.
- Content link results escaped
. - Exposure strategy A/B tests had missing functionality.
- Product score boost from level 3 boosts was insufficient.