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Image tags

Custom image tags can be added to product images in the data feed to showcase products further than with more than just model and cutout images. Add any kind of tag to an image, or a set of images, and use those tags to prioritize the image selection.

Add available tags to images in the data feed with the tags attribute. For more information, see Advanced image imports.

            <url width="200">//</url>

Not for use with Content

Image tags can not be used for content images.

Image tag prioritization

In the Default settings section of the Settings tab in the Experience app, set the desired image prioritization order with the imported tags. It is possible to override the default image prioritization order for individual product lists on a specific page, see List settings.

Tag availability

Only tags that are currently available in the data feed can be selected. If a tag is removed from the data feed, it will also be removed from the apps.

Experience app setting of image type prioritization

In the example below, the third product has an image that has received the tag Hero, which is then set as the first prioritized image. Only the images with that same tag will show that image type, while the other images will rely on the next prioritized type.

Hero image used as prioritized image


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All information found in these documents has been compiled with utmost attention to detail. However, this does not guarantee complete accuracy. Neither Voyado Lund AB nor the authors shall be held liable for possible errors or the consequences thereof.

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