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Optional query parameters

There are a number of optional parameters that can be provided when sending queries to Elevate. The following sections provide examples on how to work with some of these parameters.

Stores and channels

Retailers can provide online and physical store stock numbers in the data feed. For more information, see Stores and channels.

If STORE is explicitly declared in the channel parameter, then value(s) for the store parameter must be supplied with the relevant store keys. The following example shows a query to the search-page endpoint to include the stock level from both online and physical stores, particularly for stores with store keys soho and tribeca.


curl -X GET \
const api = esales({ clusterId: 'w00000000', market:'US', locale: 'en-US', touchpoint:'desktop' });
const results = await api.query.searchPage({
  q: 'blue shirt', 
  channels: 'ONLINE|STORE',


If large scale testing is done to simulate visitor behavior during development and testing, it is recommended to ensure that notify=false is applied. For more information, see the Notify query parameter.


The following is an example on how to work with the notify parameter.

curl -X GET \
const api = esales({ clusterId: 'w00000000', market: 'US', locale: 'en-US', touchpoint: 'desktop' });
const results = await api.query.autocomplete({ q: 'shir', notify: false });

Present custom

By default, Elevate returns the predefined product attributes in the query response. To include custom attributes in the query response, they must be specified as pipe-separated values in the presentCustom parameter. Custom attributes on a variant can be requested by prefixing the name with variant. , e.g. variant.grip.

Custom typed attributes can be requested by by prefixing the name with the type, e.g. length.diameter or variant.number.package_count


Below is an example on how to include custom attributes in a query response.

Multiple custom attributes can be requested by specifying them using url encoded pipe separators, e.g. presentCustom=category%7Cseason.

curl -X GET \

Multiple custom attributes can be requested by specifying them as an array of strings, e.g. presentCustom:['category', 'season']

const api = esales({ clusterId: 'w00000000', market: 'US', locale: 'en-US', touchpoint: 'desktop' });
const results = await api.query.searchPage({
  q: 'silk',

Present prices

Retailers can choose to simultaneously present multiple prices for products on the site, for example member price versus non-member price. To include these custom prices in the query response, they must specified in the presentPrices parameter.


The value(s) supplied in presentPrices parameter must match with price identifiers defined in the data feed, see Custom prices in the Format specification. Below is an example on how to include custom prices in a query response.

Multiple custom prices can be requested by specifying them using url encoded pipe separators, e.g. presentPrices=VIP%7CNON_VIP.

curl -X GET \

Multiple custom prices can be requested by specifying them as an array of strings, e.g. presentPrices:['VIP', 'NON_VIP']

const api = esales({ clusterId: 'w00000000', market: 'US', locale: 'en-US', touchpoint: 'desktop' });
const results = await api.query.searchPage({
  q: 'silk',

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