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Cart Page




This endpoint is part of an API that has been deprecated and its end of life is 2024-04-30. All endpoints in this API version, including this, will be removed. Please upgrade to the latest version before 2024-04-30.

All API changes can be found here:

This endpoint will be replaced by cart-page.

More information regarding the API versioning strategy can be found here.

The cart page query is to be used on the site cart page. The cart page by default returns the products in the cart to use for rendering the cart content, but can be configured to contain different types of recommendation listings.


Header parameters

Name Description Example
Accept-Encoding Allows responses to be compressed using Gzip. gzip

Query parameters

Name Description Example
A pipe-separated list of keys of the items added to the cart. Must match the key of the variant or product in the data feed. Always use the variant key when possible. <VARIANT_KEY_FROM_YOUR_FEED>|<ANOTHER_VARIANT_KEY_FROM_YOUR_FEED>
A key that uniquely identifies the current visitor.
Using UUIDs as keys are recommended.
The visitor market identifier. Must match the corresponding market identifier in the data feed. UK
A unique key, identifying the session.
Using UUIDs as keys are recommended.
The visitor's touchpoint. Supported values: DESKTOP, MOBILE. DESKTOP
channels Which channels to use. Valid values are ONLINE and STORE. Multiple values are provided with a pipe, |, as a separator. channels will default to ONLINE|STORE if nothing is provided. If STORE is explicitly provided then stores cannot be empty. Supported values: ONLINE, STORE. ONLINE|STORE
notify A boolean that can be used to disable notifications and behavioural registration for the query. false
presentCustom A pipe-separated list of custom product attributes to include in all listings. season|manufacturer
presentPrices A pipe-separated list of custom price ids to include in all listings. Each id must match a supplied custom price id in the data feed. VIP|member
priceId A custom price identifier. Must match supplied custom price identifiers in the data feed. VIP
stores Which stores to use. Will impact which stock is displayed and which stock is used for filtering/ranking together with channel. Multiple values are provided with a pipe, |, as a separator. Each store must match a supplied store key in the data feed. 240|100
viewId A parameter that is used to show the page in either production or preview mode. Can be production or preview. Defaults to production if omitted in the query. For more information, see App Integration. Supported values: PRODUCTION, PREVIEW. production

Supported Content-Type

  • application/json;charset=utf-8
  • text/plain;charset=utf-8

Request body

  "cart" : {
    "include" : true
  "recommendationLists" : [ {
    "id" : "RECS1",
    "algorithm" : "CART",
    "label" : "Recommended for you",
    "limit" : 10,
    "params" : {
      "cart" : [ "v1_1" ],
      "productKey" : "<PRODUCT_KEY_FROM_YOUR_FEED>"
    "productRules" : "rule incl product_key { \"ABC123\" \"DEF456\" \"GHJ789\" } rule incl custom.material { \"leather\" } excl price [ -infinity, 100 ] rule incl newness 10d rule incl brand { \"Birkenstock\" } excl custom.isActive { \"false\" } ",
    "showMoreLink" : "/holiday/sale",
    "visualization" : "CAROUSEL"
  } ]


The cart page can be configured to return additional recommendation listings and to omit the cart content in the result if desired. It is typically used with a CART recommendation. The recommendation listing cart parameter may be omitted for cart recommendation listings on the cart page. The provided mandatory cart query parameter will be used by default.

Name Type Description Example
cart CartSettings
recommendationLists RecListRequestSettings[] A list of recommendations to be included in the response. Min items: 0. Max items: 10.
curl -i \
-H 'Accept-Encoding: gzip' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8' \
"https://{cluster-id}" \
-T request-body.file


Response codes

Status Description
200 Query accepted, content flattened and serialised to JSON.
400 Invalid or missing required arguments.
404 Endpoint is not valid.
503 Service unavailable, no products found in the cluster.
500 Server error such as cluster unavailable or busy. The response body may contain more information about the error.

Response headers

Name Type Description Example
X-Response-Time integer Response time in milliseconds (ms) 65

Response body

  "cart" : [ {
    "key" : "PRODGROUP060194",
    "products" : [ {
      "badges" : {
        "primary" : [ {
          "attribute" : "is_new",
          "label" : "Latest!",
          "theme" : "NEW"
        } ],
        "secondary" : [ {
          "attribute" : "is_new",
          "label" : "Latest!",
          "theme" : "NEW"
        } ]
      "brand" : "Versace",
      "custom" : { },
      "depth" : {
        "amount" : 25.0,
        "unit" : "cm"
      "description" : "Super elastic fit.",
      "height" : {
        "amount" : 25.0,
        "unit" : "cm"
      "imageInfo" : {
        "effect" : "NONE",
        "images" : [ {
          "alt" : "A woman wearing a white t-shirt",
          "caption" : "The model is 176 cm tall and is wearing size S",
          "custom" : { },
          "sources" : [ {
            "url" : "",
            "height" : 820,
            "width" : 420
          } ]
        } ],
        "thumbnail" : ""
      "inStock" : true,
      "key" : "p1000-101",
      "length" : {
        "amount" : 25.0,
        "unit" : "cm"
      "link" : "men/jeans/country-fit-cowboy-jeans",
      "listPrice" : {
        "max" : 4500.0,
        "min" : 190.5
      "name" : "Romeo",
      "rating" : 4.5,
      "sellingPrice" : {
        "max" : 4500.0,
        "min" : 190.5
      "series" : "Billy",
      "swatch" : {
        "colors" : [ "#FF0000" ],
        "type" : "COLORS"
      "ticket" : "Oy9mYXNoaW9uL0RFU0tUT1AvQ09OVEVOVF9TRUFSQ0hfUEFHRS9QUklNQVJZX0xJU1Q7Iztjb250ZW50X2tleTtkMDAxOyM7IzsjOyM7",
      "title" : "Country Fit Cowboy Jeans",
      "typedCustom" : {
        "lengths" : { }
      "variants" : [ {
        "availability" : [ {
          "channel" : "STORE",
          "key" : "boardwalk",
          "stockNumber" : 5
        } ],
        "custom" : { },
        "depth" : {
          "amount" : 25.0,
          "unit" : "cm"
        "height" : {
          "amount" : 25.0,
          "unit" : "cm"
        "inStock" : true,
        "key" : "1000-101_RED",
        "label" : "XL",
        "length" : {
          "amount" : 25.0,
          "unit" : "cm"
        "link" : "women/pants/khaki/101-v3-red",
        "listPrice" : 15.0,
        "prices" : [ {
          "id" : "VIP_EUR",
          "listPrice" : 12.99,
          "sellingPrice" : 9.99
        } ],
        "sellingPrice" : 24.0,
        "stockNumber" : 5,
        "ticket" : "Oy9mYXNoaW9uL0RFU0tUT1AvQ09OVEVOVF9TRUFSQ0hfUEFHRS9QUklNQVJZX0xJU1Q7Iztjb250ZW50X2tleTtkMDAxOyM7IzsjOyM7",
        "typedCustom" : {
          "lengths" : { }
        "volume" : {
          "amount" : 25.0,
          "unit" : "cm"
        "weight" : {
          "amount" : 25.0,
          "unit" : "cm"
        "width" : {
          "amount" : 25.0,
          "unit" : "cm"
      } ],
      "volume" : {
        "amount" : 25.0,
        "unit" : "cm"
      "weight" : {
        "amount" : 25.0,
        "unit" : "cm"
      "width" : {
        "amount" : 25.0,
        "unit" : "cm"
    } ],
    "remaining" : 2
  } ],
  "recommendationLists" : [ {
    "id" : "PDP-1",
    "label" : "The presentation text of the list.",
    "productGroups" : [ {
      "key" : "PRODGROUP060194",
      "products" : [ {
        "badges" : {
          "primary" : [ {
            "attribute" : "is_new",
            "label" : "Latest!",
            "theme" : "NEW"
          } ],
          "secondary" : [ {
            "attribute" : "is_new",
            "label" : "Latest!",
            "theme" : "NEW"
          } ]
        "brand" : "Versace",
        "custom" : { },
        "depth" : {
          "amount" : 25.0,
          "unit" : "cm"
        "description" : "Super elastic fit.",
        "height" : {
          "amount" : 25.0,
          "unit" : "cm"
        "imageInfo" : {
          "effect" : "NONE",
          "images" : [ {
            "alt" : "A woman wearing a white t-shirt",
            "caption" : "The model is 176 cm tall and is wearing size S",
            "custom" : { },
            "sources" : [ {
              "url" : "",
              "height" : 820,
              "width" : 420
            } ]
          } ],
          "thumbnail" : ""
        "inStock" : true,
        "key" : "p1000-101",
        "length" : {
          "amount" : 25.0,
          "unit" : "cm"
        "link" : "men/jeans/country-fit-cowboy-jeans",
        "listPrice" : {
          "max" : 4500.0,
          "min" : 190.5
        "name" : "Romeo",
        "rating" : 4.5,
        "sellingPrice" : {
          "max" : 4500.0,
          "min" : 190.5
        "series" : "Billy",
        "swatch" : {
          "colors" : [ "#FF0000" ],
          "type" : "COLORS"
        "ticket" : "Oy9mYXNoaW9uL0RFU0tUT1AvQ09OVEVOVF9TRUFSQ0hfUEFHRS9QUklNQVJZX0xJU1Q7Iztjb250ZW50X2tleTtkMDAxOyM7IzsjOyM7",
        "title" : "Country Fit Cowboy Jeans",
        "typedCustom" : {
          "lengths" : { }
        "variants" : [ {
          "availability" : [ {
            "channel" : "STORE",
            "key" : "boardwalk",
            "stockNumber" : 5
          } ],
          "custom" : { },
          "depth" : {
            "amount" : 25.0,
            "unit" : "cm"
          "height" : {
            "amount" : 25.0,
            "unit" : "cm"
          "inStock" : true,
          "key" : "1000-101_RED",
          "label" : "XL",
          "length" : {
            "amount" : 25.0,
            "unit" : "cm"
          "link" : "women/pants/khaki/101-v3-red",
          "listPrice" : 15.0,
          "prices" : [ {
            "id" : "VIP_EUR",
            "listPrice" : 12.99,
            "sellingPrice" : 9.99
          } ],
          "sellingPrice" : 24.0,
          "stockNumber" : 5,
          "ticket" : "Oy9mYXNoaW9uL0RFU0tUT1AvQ09OVEVOVF9TRUFSQ0hfUEFHRS9QUklNQVJZX0xJU1Q7Iztjb250ZW50X2tleTtkMDAxOyM7IzsjOyM7",
          "typedCustom" : {
            "lengths" : { }
          "volume" : {
            "amount" : 25.0,
            "unit" : "cm"
          "weight" : {
            "amount" : 25.0,
            "unit" : "cm"
          "width" : {
            "amount" : 25.0,
            "unit" : "cm"
        } ],
        "volume" : {
          "amount" : 25.0,
          "unit" : "cm"
        "weight" : {
          "amount" : 25.0,
          "unit" : "cm"
        "width" : {
          "amount" : 25.0,
          "unit" : "cm"
      } ],
      "remaining" : 2
    } ],
    "showMoreLink" : "",
    "visible" : true,
    "visualization" : "CAROUSEL"
  } ]


The result object from a successful call to the cart-page.

Name Type Description Example
cart ProductGroupResult[] A list of products, corresponding to the input cart parameter. Each group contains a main product and its sibling products within its product group. Each group should correspond to one product card.
recommendationLists RecommendationProductList[] A list of requested recommendation lists, as specified in request body.


Inner schemas


Product badges, split per area.

Name Type Description Example
primary ProductBadge[] Badges in the primary area
secondary ProductBadge[] Badges in the secondary area


An object with cart content options. Set include to true to include the cart products in the response.

Name Type Description Example
include boolean Set include to true to include the cart products in the response. true


Custom attributes of the content item, represented as key-value pairs.

Name Type Description Example
id string Id of the attribute (the actual value). summer
label string The label of the attribute (the name attribute in the feed - currently not available for content items). Summer


The object representation of an image.

Name Type Description Example
alt string Element of image specifying the alt text of an image. The alt text should describe the image. Always returned along with the image. A woman wearing a white t-shirt
caption string Element of image specifying the caption for the image, only returned on the product page (or content information for content). The model is 176 cm tall and is wearing size S
custom <string, string> Custom attributes of the image.
sources Source[]


The object representation of image information.

Name Type Description Example
effect string The interaction effects of the product images. Merchandiser option. Defaults to NONE if there are fewer than two valid images for that product. Supported values: NONE, SWAP, GALLERY. NONE
images Image[] The product images to display.
thumbnail string The url of the thumbnail for the product. Undefined if images is empty.


Custom lengths of the product matching length attributes requested by the query parameter 'presentCustom'.

Name Type Description Example
amount number The amount of the measurement as provided in the import. 25
unit string The unit of the measurement as provided in the import. cm


Min and max price

Name Type Description Example
max number 4500.0
min number 190.5


Additional prices for presentation. Only available on the product-page productGroup and when using the query parameter 'presentPrices'.

Name Type Description Example
id string The id identifying the custom price. VIP_EUR
listPrice number The price displayed in the shop as the standard price. 12.99
sellingPrice number The price that the customer pays. 9.99


Badges in the secondary area

Name Type Description Example
attribute string The attribute in the data feed that the badge is based on. is_new
label string The presentation text of the badge. Latest!
theme string The type of badge style used. Supported values: NONE, SALE, DISCOUNT, NEW, THEME_1, THEME_2, THEME_3. NEW



This feature will most likely be removed in new versions.

A product filter restricting which products that the listing may contain. Supports single values, lists, and (for numerical attributes) ranges. Listing multiple attributes to filter on will restrict the products to all conditions (logical AND). When listing values within one attribute, products with any of the listed properties apply (logical OR). In addition to built-in attributes, it is also possible to filter on custom facets, through prefixing the attribute to be filtered with custom., for example "custom.season": ["Winter", "Spring"]. At most 200 attribute values can be supplied per attribute and at most 100 product keys can be picked at once.

Name Type Description Example


The object representation of the product group result.

Name Type Description Example
key string Product group identifier. PRODGROUP060194
products ProductResult[] Products in the Product group. The first element corresponds to the main product. The remaining elements are the other products in the group, to be shown as thumbnails or color swatches, etc.
remaining integer The number of products within this group not included in the response. E.g. if Elevate has been set to include the first five products in the response and this group has seven, there will be two remaining. 2


The object representation of a product.

Name Type Description Example
badges Badges
brand string Brand of the product. Versace
custom <string, CustomAttributeResult[]> Custom attributes of the product. Only available on the product-page productGroup and when using the query parameter 'presentCustom'.
depth MeasurementResult
description string Description of the product. Undefined if omitted during import. Super elastic fit.
height MeasurementResult
imageInfo ImageInfo
inStock boolean True if any variant is in stock. true
key string Product identifier. p1000-101
length MeasurementResult
link string Link to the product page. men/jeans/country-fit-cowboy-jeans
listPrice Price
name string Name of the product. Romeo
rating number Current rating value. Undefined when ratings are disabled. 4.5
sellingPrice Price
series string Series that this product belongs to. Billy
swatch Swatch
ticket string The ticket is a unique string for an object generated by eSales. Oy9mYXNoaW9uL0RFU0tUT1AvQ09OVEVOVF9TRUFSQ0hfUEFHRS9QUklNQVJZX0xJU1Q7Iztjb250ZW50X2tleTtkMDAxOyM7IzsjOyM7
title string Title of the product. Country Fit Cowboy Jeans
typedCustom TypedCustomResult
variants VariantResult[] List of variants. Empty if all variants are out of stock and the setting Display out of stock sizes in product card is disabled.
volume MeasurementResult
weight MeasurementResult
width MeasurementResult



This feature will most likely be removed in new versions.

A min and max range value object for a specific attribute.

Name Type Description Example
max integer Defaults to the maximum eligible value if omitted. 1000
min integer Defaults to 0 if omitted. 0


A configuration object for the recommendation list request. Most page types support recommendation lists. To include recommendation lists in a page response, the request body must include the recommendation configuration. Be aware that having many lists with complex rules/algorithms on a page may affect response times.

Name Type Description Example
string An identifier for the recommendation listing area. Multiple pages using the same template can share identifiers, but one identifier may not appear twice within a page. E.g. all product pages should use the same identifier for their alternative recommendation areas. Min length: 1. Max length: 20. Pattern: ^[A-Za-z0-9_-]*$. RECS1
algorithm string The algorithm to apply on the recommendation listing. Defaults to TOP_PRODUCTS. Note that some algorithms may require additional parameters see here for more information. CART
label string The presentation text of the list. Min length: 1. Max length: 200. Pattern: (?:|.[^s].). Recommended for you
limit integer The number of product groups to list. Min: 1. Max: 200. 10
params RequestParams
productRules string A logical expression used by Voyado Elevate 4 to restrict the data set to a Product Selection. The rules can go from easy, such as to only include a product by its key or items that are in stock, to more complex expressions with multiple attributes for products at the same time.

If no rules are provided, the entire data set will be used.

Please note that when used in Landing Pages, the "Handpicked" rule must be the first rule, and must contain a set of product keys as its only condition. At most 100 product keys can be handpicked in a single request, and at most 200 attribute values can be supplied for each attribute.
rule incl product_key { "ABC123" "DEF456" "GHJ789" } rule incl custom.material { "leather" } excl price [ -infinity, 100 ] rule incl newness 10d rule incl brand { "Birkenstock" } excl custom.isActive { "false" }
showMoreLink string A URL to see a large selection. Undefined if not specified in Elevate Apps. Merchandiser option. Min length: 1. Max length: 1000. Pattern: ^(//|/|https?://).*. /holiday/sale
visualization string How the list should be presented. Merchandiser option. Supported values: CAROUSEL, GRID. CAROUSEL


The object representation of a recommendation product list.

Name Type Description Example
id string The identifier of the list. PDP-1
label string The identifier of the list. The presentation text of the list.
productGroups ProductGroupResult[] Products that match the selected algorithm. Each group contains a main product and its sibling products within its product group. Each group should correspond to one product card.
showMoreLink string A URL to see a large selection. Undefined if not specified in eSales Apps. Merchandiser option.
visible boolean Whether the recommendation list is visible or has been hidden in the apps
visualization string How the list should be presented. Merchandiser option. Supported values: CAROUSEL, GRID. CAROUSEL


Any parameters required by the applied algorithm. Conditionally required.

Name Type Description Example
cart string[] A list of product and/or variant keys depicting the cart content. Must match keys of variants or products in the data feed. Always use the variant key when possible. Defaults to the provided cart parameter for cart-page requests. Min items: 0. Max items: 250. v1_1
productKey string The base product for the ALTERNATIVES, STYLE_WITH, and UPSELL recommendation algorithms. Defaults to the provided product key parameter for product-page requests. <PRODUCT_KEY_FROM_YOUR_FEED>


Name Type Description Example
string The URL of the image source.
height integer The height of the image. Undefined if height was not specified. 820
width integer The width of the image. Undefined if width was not specified and hasn't yet been assessed by the image service. 420


Swatch information is used to generate swatches for different products. The type COLORS is the most common returned type and is accompanied by the actual colours as CSS colour codes. Special colour properties, supported in the data feed such as GOLD, SILVER, or MULTI are other possible return types. These are to be used to generate swatches matching these specific properties.

Name Type Description Example
colors string[] An array with 1 - 3 CSS colour codes for SwatchType COLORS. Empty for other types. #FF0000
type string Type of colour swatch for the product. Supported values: MISSING_COLORS, COLORS, SILVER, GOLD, MULTI. COLORS


Typed custom attributes of the product. Only available on the product-page productGroup and when using the query parameter 'presentCustom'.

Name Type Description Example
lengths <string, MeasurementResult> Custom lengths of the product matching length attributes requested by the query parameter 'presentCustom'.


Represents availability in one store or online.

Name Type Description Example
channel string The channel either STORE or ONLINE. STORE
key string The key identifying the store. Null if channel = ONLINE. boardwalk
stockNumber integer The number of items of this variant in stock in this channel/key. 5


The object representation of a variant.

Name Type Description Example
availability VariantAvailabilityInfo[] List of availability information. Contains an entry for the online channel and one for each relevant store.
custom <string, CustomAttributeResult[]> Custom attributes of the variant. Only available on the product-page productGroup and when using the query parameter 'presentCustom'.
depth MeasurementResult
height MeasurementResult
inStock boolean True if the variant is in stock. true
key string Variant identifier. 1000-101_RED
label string The label of the variant. Defaults to size if undefined. Undefined if neither label or size is specified in the import. XL
length MeasurementResult
link string Link to product page with variant selected. women/pants/khaki/101-v3-red
listPrice number List price of the variant. 15.0
prices PriceResult[] Additional prices for presentation. Only available on the product-page productGroup and when using the query parameter 'presentPrices'.
sellingPrice number Selling price of the variant. 24.0
size string A representative size of the variant. Overridden by label if provided. Deprecated, use label instead, XL
stockNumber integer The amount of this variant that is in stock. 5
ticket string Unique ticket for the eSales object. Oy9mYXNoaW9uL0RFU0tUT1AvQ09OVEVOVF9TRUFSQ0hfUEFHRS9QUklNQVJZX0xJU1Q7Iztjb250ZW50X2tleTtkMDAxOyM7IzsjOyM7
typedCustom TypedCustomResult
volume MeasurementResult
weight MeasurementResult
width MeasurementResult

This online publication is intellectual property of Voyado Lund AB. Its contents can be duplicated in part or whole, provided that a copyright label is visibly located on each copy and the copy is used in conjunction with the product described within this document.

All information found in these documents has been compiled with utmost attention to detail. However, this does not guarantee complete accuracy. Neither Voyado Lund AB nor the authors shall be held liable for possible errors or the consequences thereof.

Software and hardware descriptions cited in these documents might be registered trademarks. All trade names are subject to copyright restrictions and may be registered trademarks. Voyado Lund AB essentially adheres to the manufacturer’s spelling. Names of products and trademarks appearing in this document, with or without specific notation, are likewise subject to trademark and trade protection laws and may thus fall under copyright restrictions.