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Importing data feeds

An import is made through using the standard HTTP POST method, with personal cluster credentials provided by Voyado. If the data feed is valid, a 204 OK response will be returned. If the data feed is invalid, an error will be returned with descriptions of the errors in the file. For more information about validation, see Validation. For more information about the import request, see Import.


The request body can be compressed with gzip if the header Content-Encoding have the value gzip. It is recommended that the imports are compressed.

Scheduled imports

When going live, products and updates to them must be scheduled to be imported on a regular basis. This is typically achieved by creating a program that queues and sends full imports and incremental imports at regular intervals.

Updating advanced custom attributes

When performing an import containing advanced attributes, each identifier must always be related to the same name for all products within the import. Relations are permitted to differ from already imported products that are not included in the current import. In this case, the latest id to name relation will be interpreted as an override, and apply for all products in the catalog.

Full imports

Full imports, containing all product data is recommended to be sent on a regular basis for ensured data consistency.

For small databases (i.e. less than 10 000 products), full imports could be sent on a frequent basis, replacing the need for other types of imports. For an approach of only sending full imports, it is recommended to send the full imports once every hour.

For large databases, full imports are also recommended to be sent on a regular basis but at a less frequent interval, such as once a day or once a week. These are recommended to be complemented with more frequent smaller imports, modifying parts of the catalog.

Incremental imports

There are two types of incremental imports: partial imports and attribute modifications. These types of imports should only contain the products where a change has been made since the previous import, and are therefore often significantly smaller than full imports.

Partial imports allows for structural product group changes such as adding or removing variants, products, or product groups. These must include complete product groups.

Attribute modifications allows for modification of individual attributes on variant, product, or product groups. These are typically useful for changes driven by separate systems such as price and stock_number changes from an ERP.

Queueing imports

Imports are processed one at a time

Incoming imports will be rejected while another import is being processed. This means that the data feed software must be set up to run imports one at a time.

Since imports are processed one at a time and for various reasons could fail, all imports should ideally be sent to a queue that aggregate imports, handles retries, and handle errors. A typical process for this is normally responsible for the following or similar tasks:

  • Changes invoked by other systems are placed in a queue
  • Once every e.g. 5 minutes, empty queue and if any changes, aggregate them and send as a single import
  • Log and notify an appropriate person to take action upon errors
  • Remove successfully imported changes from the queue
  • Save unsuccessful import files for easier debugging

Long-running imports

Depending on the size of the import to Elevate, it might take some time. Imports exceeding the maximum duration respond with 202 ACCEPTED and will return an import id that can be used to query the status of the import. The default maximum duration allowed for blocking imports can be overridden by adding the blockingTimeout parameter to the request. The blocking timeout specifies the time to wait after the whole import body has been received. The latest status for an import will be kept for 7 days.


The following example showcases the request flow for an import exceeding the blockingTimeout

Import using blockingTimeout of 1 minute (=PT1M)

curl -i \
-H 'Api-Key: {api-key}' \
-H 'Accept-Encoding: gzip' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/xml' \
"https://{cluster-id}" \
-T request-body.file

After the blocking timeout, the server hasn't yet processed the file. The server responds with 202 ACCEPTED and the body:

    "id": "5537431447739019570",
    "status": "IN_PROGRESS",
    "reason": ""

The previously returned import id can now be used to periodically poll the import status.

curl -i \
-X GET \
-H 'Api-Key: {api-key}' \
-H 'Accept-Encoding: gzip' \

The import status responds with 200 OK and the status in the body:

    "id": "5537431447739019570",
    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "reason": ""

Import statuses

Status Description
NOT_FOUND No import found with the supplied id.
WAITING The import is being received, unpackaged, stored or waiting for a previous import to complete.
IN_PROGRESS The import is currently being processed.
SUCCESS The import completed successfully, and the changes have been applied.
FAILURE The import failed, and a reason should be included.
ABORTED The client disconnected while waiting for the import to be processed.

Polling handling

When polling the status of an import, the result fall into three different groups.

  1. The import is being handled, keep polling. Which occurs during WAITING and IN_PROGRESS.
  2. The import completed. Which occurs during SUCCESS and FAILURE Check reason for more information.
  3. The import was not found. Which occurs during NOT_FOUND.

Since ABORTED is raised only when the client closes the connection, it will not be returned in the /v3/import/data result and neither will an import id. Which allows it to be omitted from the polling handling, however, it can be included. The only way to get the ABORTED status is to get the import id from the logs in the apps.

Error handling

All imports are atomic (i.e. either the entire import is processed or nothing will be imported), to make it easier to recover from errors. An error can be caused either by the content being invalid or because of other factors, such as network errors. If an error is received, the import can be safely rerun once the connection is restored or content of the data feed has been resolved.

A detailed list of import response codes can be found on the specifcation for the import endpoint.

If a retailer experiences persistent network errors they should first contact their network administrator. If the problem seems to be on Voyado's end, please contact Voyado Support.

Temporary network errors

The data feed software should handle temporary network errors without manual intervention as this is usually done through retries.

Force imports

Potentially harmful imports

Do not override the built in protection in scheduled imports. Overrides should only be made for isolated and manually triggered imports.

Protection from potentially harmful imports is built into Voyado Elevate. If an import looks dangerous, e.g. it removes half of all products in a market it will be rejected with an appropriate error message and code 400. To override the protection and force Elevate to accept such an import, a force=true argument can be added to the post request of the import.


This online publication is intellectual property of Voyado Lund AB. Its contents can be duplicated in part or whole, provided that a copyright label is visibly located on each copy and the copy is used in conjunction with the product described within this document.

All information found in these documents has been compiled with utmost attention to detail. However, this does not guarantee complete accuracy. Neither Voyado Lund AB nor the authors shall be held liable for possible errors or the consequences thereof.

Software and hardware descriptions cited in these documents might be registered trademarks. All trade names are subject to copyright restrictions and may be registered trademarks. Voyado Lund AB essentially adheres to the manufacturer’s spelling. Names of products and trademarks appearing in this document, with or without specific notation, are likewise subject to trademark and trade protection laws and may thus fall under copyright restrictions.