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An export of the product data in eSales 4 can be done using the standard HTTP GET method, with personal cluster credentials provided by Apptus.


Request method


Request URL


Request parameters


Request headers

The Api-Key request header is required.

  • Api-Key - apiKey, the unique apiKey provided by Apptus.
  • Accept-Encoding - gzip, allows the export to be compressed using Gzip (recommended).

Request body


Request example

A data export request example, with fictive credentials, is demonstrated using cURL below.

curl -i \
-X GET \
-H "Api-Key: pkA123456789AB1BDA3E968F69A97B5508BF5B123456778912FFC99" \
-H "Accept-Encoding:gzip" \


Response headers


Response content-type


Response codes

Response Description
200 Query accepted. The data will be return as an application/xml-object.
403 Incorrect cluster credentials.
404 Cluster not found.
5xx Server error such as cluster unavailable or busy. If 5xx errors persist, contact Apptus Support and attach any information found in the response body.

If a retailer experiences persistent network errors they should first contact their network administrator. If the problem seems to be on Apptus end, please contact Apptus Support.

Response objects

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<data_import type="full">
    <modify market="UK" locale="en-GB">
                <product_group key="1001">
                        <product key="1001-100">
                            <title>Linen T-shirt</title>
                            <description>Loose-fit striped T-shirt with a slightly lower neckline.</description>
                                        <url width="200">//</url>
                                        <url width="600">//</url>
                                        <url width="40">//</url>
                                        <url width="600">//</url>
                                <season name="Summer">m_678</season>
                                <style name="Casual">m_c_349</style>
                                <category name="T-shirts">349</category>
                                <variant key="1001-100-1">
                                        <size custom_format="SML">S</size>
                                        <size custom_format="EU">36</size>
                                        <price id="EUR">
                                        <price id="SEK">
                                        <price id="VIP_SEK">
                                <variant key="1001-100-2">
                                        <size custom_format="SML">M</size>
                                        <size custom_format="EU">38</size>
                                        <price id="EUR">
                                        <price id="SEK">
                                        <price id="VIP_SEK">
                                <variant key="1001-100-3">
                                        <size custom_format="SML">L</size>
                                        <size custom_format="EU">40</size>
                                        <price id="EUR">
                                        <price id="SEK">
                                        <price id="VIP_SEK">
                <content key="871">
                <content key="872">
                <content key="901">
                    <title>How do I return clothes?</title>
                            <url width="400"></url>
                        <keywords>replace|swap|take back</keywords>

Last update: December 22, 2021
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